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T he Amazon jungle is the green heart of South America, the largest expanse of rainforest on the planet. The tropical forest may seem like the Garden of Eden, but much of what grows here is forbidden fruit—packed with poisons like strychnine, morphine and cocaine, even leaves are off limits.

T he immense grasslands of the East African Serengeti contain the earth´s highest concentrations of Savannah animals adapted to grass plains. Each year, as the wet summer fades in May, 1.3 million blue wildebeest set out from the short grass plains in the southeast.

H igh above the African grass plains, craggy mountains tower with spectacular beauty, sparsely vegetated, buffeted by unforgiving winds and shrouded in thin atmosphere, these steep slopes and rocky cliffs harbor unique species...

A month ago, the mature loggerhead sea turtle left her territorial feeding grounds in the western Indian Ocean. A surge of hormones that readied her reproductive system for laying eggs triggered her departure.

D ice Snakes neither have venomous fangs nor do they bite, not even in defense of their lives. In May on the side of Lake Lugano, the dice snakes are beginning to feel the Spring. There´s action in the blackberry bush and in the heap of wood by the lake: male seeks female.

I t was only at the end of the 19th century that the Egyptians began to rediscover their past. Since they were converted to Islam in the 7th century AD, the Egyptians were unaware of their past, covered by sand, or converted into mosques.

T he story begins in the year 1929, when Peng Zhen is in prison leading members of an underground Party unit in a hunger strike. During his imprisonment, he reads a lot of books on law and on Marxism and Leninism. He is released in 1935 and organizes the national salvation movement against the Japanese invaders in Beiping (the then Beijing).

A survey shows that in recent years about half of college and middle school students who were suspended or who quit their school do so for mental problems. Depression is one of the main reasons. Many people take a biased approach to the disease...

E ver since they were built, four and a half thousand years ago, on the desert beside present day Cairo, the pyramids of Giza have stirred the emotions. And the spectacle continues to amaze the thousands of tourists herded to the site each day...

I n 1891, a young Englishman arrives in Egypt. His name is Howard Carter. He is immediately captivated, and resolves to stay—little realizing that his name might be linked with the most incredible discovery of the century—the tomb of boy-king Tutankhamun. Gaston Maspero, the Director of Egyptian Antiquities, sees the potential in the young man...

V ast numbers of pink salmon are preparing to travel upriver to breed. The river is riddled with obstacles. Shallow water challenges all the salmon, but especially the males. Their huge humps are good for display, but in the rapids they´re a burden. The journey´s taking its toll...

T o celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the founding of the People´s Republic of China, a special entitled Hello, Motherland is scheduled to add to the festivity. The program reveals China´s contemporary culture and its ancient glory, conveying to Chinese at home and abroad as well as the whole world the country´s cultural abundance...

A sia´s coasts are the frontier between two great rivals. Land and sea constantly test each other´s borders along two hundred thousand kilometers of Asia´s shoreline. In the tropics, equatorial sun magnifies the power of earth and ocean to nurture an extraordinary profusion of life...

T ippi is a 12-year-old French girl, born in Namibia, Africa. Growing up with her parents who track wild animals and photograph them in African jungles, Tippi has made friends with lions, leopards, elephants, baboons, bull frogs and chameleons...

P eople are usually more aware of surgical, radioactive and chemical treatment when cancer is talked about. Traditional Chinese medicine is probably always ignored, because of a lack of knowledge...

A fter the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on July 7, 1937, the Kuomingtang and the Communist Party of China cooperated for the second time. The first, second, and fourth front armies if the Red Army were re-cognized into the National Revolutionary Eighth Route Army...

T his show follows on from the success of CCTV´s live broadcasting of the Han Dynasty Tomb at Laoshan, Beijing, which aroused much public interest. As China has made many notable archaeological achievements, the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences sponsored this appraisal event to take a look back at the 100 major archaeological discoveries of last century...

T here´s a whole other world of killers every bit as dangerous as the deadly defenders. These are the animals we love to hate and we´re the food they love to eat. But who are the modern day man-eaters and what are we doing to encourage them?

I ndonesia is a land of creatures lost in time. Castaways from two continents settled the island chain of Indonesia, the greatest archipelago on Earth. Marooned on this scatter of islands, their descendants were out off from the outside world...

T he Alps are among our planet´s youngest mountains. A crescent of bizarre rocks and jagged peaks ranges from Nice in Southern France to as far as Vienna. The world´s most famous mountains have always inspired those who gaze on them.

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