Headline News


Preparing New Year dinner for senior citizens in Chenzhou


Source: | 02-07-2008 13:16

Special Report:   2008 Spring Festival
Special Report:   Winter Storm Relief

CCTV reporter Xu Zhaoqun was in Chenzhou before the power was restored. New Year celebrations have been much more difficult this year, but people are finding ways to keep up the traditions.

Young people in Chen Zhou are Preparing New Year dinner.(
Young people in Chenzhou are Preparing New Year dinner.

We're here for a New Year dinner with six elderly people the Beihu District of Chenzhou. Because of the power outage the meal will be in the afternoon, while there's still some daylight to see by. Young people in the neighbourhood are doing the cooking. Under these conditions, a complicated traditional feast is out of the question. But dumplings are a must.

The elderly people all live alone, but this dinner made by their young neighbours feels like a family get-together. The adversity caused by severe winter storms causes age differences to melt away. Staff in the neighborhood committee join the small dinner party bringing hongbao - red envelopes with money for the New Year.