Headline News


Serbian President visits Kosovo


Source: | 02-01-2008 08:30

Serbian President Boris Tadic has visited Kosovo just days ahead of a crucial runoff election.

He vows to never recognize the province as independent.

Serbian President Boris Tadic has visited Kosovo just days ahead of a crucial runoff election. (
Serbian President Boris Tadic has visited Kosovo just 
days ahead of a crucial runoff election. (

The UN in Kosovo approved Tadic's visit and provided security. It comes as ethnic Albanian leaders in the province prepare to declare Kosovo's independence from Serbia counting on support from Western countries. Tadic made his stance clear.

Boris Tadic, Serbian President, said, "I will never, absolutely ever, recognize the independence of Kosovo."

Tadic's visit to the village of Cernica has been criticized by Kosovo's Deputy Prime Minister. He claims Tadic is "using Serbians from Kosovo for internal purposes."

Hajredin Kuci, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, said, "I don't think that it can be useful that they come in Kosovo to get some more votes in Serbia too. But in any case we hope that this is the last visit that somebody from Serbia is coming here to get some votes from Kosovo."

Hajredin Kuci, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister. (
Hajredin Kuci, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister.(

According to polls, Tadic the incumbent has a slight advantage over his rival Tomislav Nikolic going into the presidential vote, which will take place this Sunday.

The outcome is likely to determine how Serbia will respond to Kosovo's declaration of independence, expected this month.

Albanian-dominated Kosovo is a Serbian province under U.N. administration since 1999.

It has been seeking independence with support from the United States and most of the EU nations. The attempt is rejected by Serbia and its ally Russia.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei