Headline News


Chang´e one to make 3 critical maneuvers


Source: | 10-31-2007 09:13

Special Report:   Chang'e I -Journey to the Moon

Over the next ten days, Chang'e One will make three critical maneuvers as it races toward the Moon.

On October 31st, Chang'e One will pick up speed and enter the Earth-Moon transfer orbit. Experts say the probes' acceleration this time will be difficult to manage.

On November 5th, Chang'e One will decelerate in order to be caught by the Moon to its orbit. And if it does not successfully enter the Moon's orbit, the probe will either fly past the Moon or crash on it. This is a critical point that could determine the success of Chang'e One's mission.

If everything goes as planned, Chang'e One will enter its "working position" a 2-hour, 200 kilometer orbit around the Moon on November 7th. And in late November, the probe will relay its first picture of the Moon to the Earth.


Editor:Zhang Ning