Headline News


Ethiopian jets bomb two airports in Somalia


Source: | 12-26-2006 09:24

In Somalia Ethiopian fighter jets have bombed two main airports in the country, in the first direct attack on the headquarters of an Islamic movement attempting to wrest power from the transitional government of Somalia.

The Ethiopian jets swept low over the Somali capital on Monday morning, dropping two bombs on the capital Mogadishu's airport. Shortly afterwards, Baledogle Airport, about 100 kilometres outside Mogadishu, was also hit.

The Ethiopian-backed transitional Somali government claimed it was sealing its borders to keep foreign supporters of the Islamic movement out.

Abdirahman Dinari, spokesperson Somalia Transitional Federal Gov't, said, "From now on we have closed the airports and the port and there will be no access without permission from the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. We are appealing to the people of Somalia to stay calm, keep security and work with the government."

But since the government only controls a small part of the country, it has no real ability to control the borders.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced on Sunday night that his country was "forced to enter a war" with Somalia's Council of Islamic Courts after the group declared holy war on Ethiopia.

It was the first time Ethiopia acknowledged its troops were fighting in support of Somalia's government.


Editor:Du Xiaodan