Headline News


China makes progress in AIDS treatment


Source: | 12-01-2006 13:55

Since China announced its first HIV case more than twenty years ago, the country has moved from silence to brave assertions. And it has pushed itself to do more in the fight against the spreading epidemic.

Today, Chinese scientists announced that their research and development of HIV treatment has been developing.

This bit of encouraging news was released by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Scientists say, over the past two years, China has successfully produced five of the 26 anti-retroviral drugs currently used as part of an already-established "Cocktail Therapy." The quality and effects of the drugs are to international standards.

And Chinese scientists have also worked out an optimal treatment plan for Chinese HIV patients. But they say there is a lack of qualified health workers who can guide HIV patients on taking their prescribed medication.


Editor:Ji Xuewen