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Happy China
English Channel

Careers, life chosen over kids by China´s DINKs
Foreigners creating a career in China
The year ahead
Dance festival raises its curtain
China´s Toy Story——China is an important toy production and export center...
Studying in Beijing——There are almost 40,000 foreigners studying .....
Basketball——Before 1995, basketball careers were fostered mainly through....
Beijing Hikers——A common interest bound them together....
Learning Chinese——There are 47 HSK test centers in 27 cities in China....
Auto Craze in China——Over 3 million new cars on the streets of Beijing....
Nightlife in China——The nightlife is rich with fun and local color....

Flower Power,that´s Guangzhou
Festival season takes hold
Flavour is family affair
The heat is on!
Miao people
Beijing Dough Figurines
A World of China
Chinese Dragon kite
Chaozhou ceramics
Chinese Kungfu tea
Traditional Chinese wedding
Chinese Qingming Festival
Chinese Lantern Festival
Theory of traditional Chinese medicine
A Traditional Chinese Food——Yuanxiao
Sichuan style of cooking
Rice Dumplings (Zongzi)
The Moon Cakes and Mid-Autumn Festival
History of Chinese Cooking