Headline News


Kids of cloned goat thrive


Source: | 04-07-2009 19:55

Special Report:   Tech Max

Twins born to a cloned goat are doing well in Tianjin. The two-year-old mother, Jinying, is China's first boer goat cloned from somatic cells.

The two-year-old mother, Jinying, is China's first boer goat cloned from somatic cells.
The two-year-old mother, Jinying, is China's first boer 
goat cloned from somatic cells.

Her two kids were born last November and were weaned at three months. Researchers separated them from Jinying and are raising them on burr clover and fine fodder. The pair look healthy and are very lively.

Researchers say the experiment to breed the cloned goat has succeeded. They say the breakthrough in cloning techniques will help preserve high quality livestock, as well as endangered species.