Headline News


Russia hails Russian Language Year in China

Source: Xinhua | 03-26-2009 11:07

MOSCOW, March 26 (Xinhua) -- Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov is to visit China from Wednesday through Friday and will attend the opening ceremony of the Year of Russian Language in China.

Russia has shown great interest in the upcoming event and is confident that the Year of Russian Language in China will be a success.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Russia highly appreciates the mature and firm bilateral ties, Zhukov told local media before leaving for Beijing.

Russia and China can be regarded as exemplars of friendly neighborhood and mutual respect in the international community, Zhukov said. He said that such friendship are a key factor for the construction of a fair, harmonious international order.

To hold events such as language years in both countries will not only help maintain the high level of mutual cooperation, but also promote it, he said.