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British PM promises "detailed results" from G20 summit


Source: | 03-26-2009 09:07

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has lashed out at corporate greed. Speaking at New York University.

Brown said he would work to set global principles and standards for salaries in the financial sector during next week's G-20 summit in London.

Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown gestures as he speaks during a news conference with U.N.REUTERS/Chip East
Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown gestures
as he speaks during a news conference with U.N.

Brown promised "detailed results" from the summit. He also said the current crisis was a result of growing globalization.

Brown also expressed optimism the global crisis would eventually result in a stronger world financial system. But he warned against a tendency toward increased protectionism.

Brown is currently on a three-continent tour aimed at drumming up support for a coordinated international response to the global financial crisis.

He later met with UN chief Ban Ki-moon. Brown promised that leaders at the G-20 summit would take action to reform the banking system and ensure the financial institution can come to the aid of the poorest countries.