Headline News


Astronauts take spacewalk at Internaional Space Station


Source: | 03-22-2009 09:49

Astronauts have taken another spacewalk at the International Space Station, this time to lighten the workload for future crews.

Astronauts have taken another spacewalk at the International Space Station, this time to lighten the workload for future crews. 
Astronauts have taken another spacewalk at the 
International Space Station, this time to lighten
 the workload for future crews.

Steven Swanson and Joseph Acaba floated outside as the station-shuttle complex soared about 350 kilometers above the South Pacific. They made their way to the end of the space station's framework and loosened bolts holding down batteries.

The batteries are set to be replaced on the next shuttle visit in June. Also on their to-do list are deploying equipment storage platforms, installing a GPS antenna, and using an infrared camera to photograph a pair of radiators. Saturday's maintenance trip was the second spacewalk in three days for the crew of the shuttle Discovery.