Headline News


Direct links across Taiwan Straits to bring big benefits


Source: | 12-07-2008 13:27

Direct flights and sea-links across the Taiwan Straits are due to start just over a week from now on December the 15th.

Direct flights will mean 16 more mainland cities serving as destinations and take-off points. On the Taiwan side, travel authorities are working to attract more mainland tourists, just as mainland cities are also promoting themselves to their Taiwan compatriots.

Chen Gang, Vice Mayor of Nanjing City said "There will be a direct flight from Taipei to Nanjing, which will cut 50 minutes in travelling time."

After December 15th, the number of direct flights will rise to 106 every week between Taiwan and 21 mainland cities. Taiwan tourism businesses are investing more on facilities in anticipation of this new wave of travellers.

Xu Haoyuan, General Manager of Taiwan Car Rent Tourism Group said "We have invested 45 million yuan on these good quality coaches. If travellers reach 15 hundred a day, all 30 coaches will be fully loaded and we can make good money."

Meanwhile, the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation says cargo on direct flights and shipping lines will also mean big economic benefits.

Hsui Sheng-Hsiung, Vice Chair of Straits Exchange Foundation said "After the realization of the three direct links across the strait, resources from both sides can be integrated, and we can jointly form a global trade hub."

Analysts say the financial crisis has brought a definite chill to the Taiwan economy, but direct links will help breathe some warmth back into its economy. Direct links will cut costs in many aspects, which will boost confidence for investors and benefit both sides.


Editor:Xiong Qu