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Development of spaceship in China


Source: | 09-21-2008 14:00

Special Report:   Shenzhou-7 Manned Space Flight

The manned space program was listed as a national scientific plan in 1992. It was later named project 921, and consists of 7 parts. The space system is one of these parts. Now let's take a look at the development of the spaceship.

In 2005, Shenzhou VI was launched with two astronauts on board, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. 
In 2005, Shenzhou VI was launched with two astronauts on board,
Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.

Nov. 20, 1999 - Shenzhou I

Shenzhou I was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in 1999. It was China's first test spaceship. After completing a 12 hour flight and carrying out all the planned scientific experiment, the spaceship landed successfully in central Inner Mongolia.

By Shenzhou I, China realized the spaceship reentry to the earth.

Jan. 10, 2001 - Shenzhou II

2 years later, China launched Shenzhou II, which was the country's first unmanned spacecraft. Technically, it was almost the same as a manned spacecraft. It returned to earth 7 days later. Experiments were carried out under minor gravity. Equipment functioned well and much scientific data was gathered.

Mar. 25, 2002 - Shenzhou III

In 2002, Shenzhou III was launched. Its design was the same as a manned spaceship.

The craft travelled in space for 7 days. Many experiments were carried out on board. And during this flight, an emergency escape system was tested, with satisfactory results. This laid a strong foundation for the later development of a manned space mission.