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The Olympic dream of a paralyzed girl

Source: CRI | 09-12-2008 13:32

Special Report:   Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

BEIJING, Sept. 12 -- The life of Dong Ming, a wheelchair-bound girl from Hubei Province, became intertwined with the Olympics through her roles as an Olympic torch bearer and Paralympic volunteer.

Dong Ming currently spends her days distributing meal coupons for volunteers working at the Water Cube. [Photo:]
Dong Ming currently spends her days distributing meal coupons
for volunteers working at the Water Cube. [Photo: CRIENGLISH.

"My current daily work includes distributing meal coupons for all the volunteers at the National Aquatics Center and welcoming senior guests at the VIP entrance."

The 22-year-old said her happiest day here was September 8, when Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with her and encouraged her with an inscription before going to watch the games.

"It's unbelievable, since I never dared to imagine the day when I could meet Premier Wen face to face. The feeling at that moment was fantastic."

Dong Ming says this is the best way for her to fulfill her Olympic dream, though it differs from her original plan.

Dong Ming once dreamed of competing for China in the Olympic diving pools. But her dream slid permanently out of reach when a swimming accident left her paralyzed at the age of nine.

"I was unconscious in the hospital for several days. When I came to, I heard my mom crying in the corridor. The doctor told my parents I would never stand again and would be paralyzed from my neck down."

Dong Ming faced her toughest trials in bed for the next few years, when she could only look around her room all day. Her parents even had to help her turn over in bed. She repeatedly thought about ending her life, but her mom stopped her.

"She was very angry with my thought and told me that I would never be a real athlete, someone who is supposed to be strong-willed whether in a favorable situation or in a crisis."

Her words made Dong Ming determined to regain her passion for life. But no one could have predicted the miracle that befell her at a historical moment in Chinese history.