Headline News


Belarusians interested in Chinese language


Source: | 12-29-2007 14:48

A growing number of people in Belarus are studying Chinese.

Stronger ties with China have sparked great interest in the country and its culture with Belarusians. And that includes learning the language.

A teacher says knowing Chinese will help their students serve their country when they grow up.

Two universities have set up Chinese language courses. And from last year, pupils in four elementary schools in the capital Minsk have started learning Chinese in the first grade.

Ralisa Leonedovna, principal of Minsk 10th Elementary School, said, "In our school, nearly 100 students from 6 to 7 years old are learning Chinese. And their parents can also learn it here. We hope the trend can benefit China-Belarus development."

A teacher says knowing Chinese will help their students serve their country when they grow up.

Teacher Malia Sergevna said, "Students and their parents are interested in Chinese culture, especially the language. They are aware of the importance of learning Chinese. Parents realize that knowing Chinese is good for their children's future."

Local officials say language is the basis for communication, and plans are under way for more exchanges between young Belarusians and Chinese.


Editor:Zhang Ning