Headline News


President Hu meets with W. Australia Premier Carpenter


Source: | 09-04-2007 08:41

Chinese President Hu Jintao meets with West Australia Premier Alan Carpenter in Perth Monday. (Xinhua Photo)

In Perth, President Hu Jintao has met with Western Australia Premier Alan Carpenter. The aim is to improve friendly relations, exchanges, and cooperation between China and Western Australia.

Meeting with Alan Carpenter, President Hu Jintao said China has become Western Australia's largest export market and its second largest trading partner. In recent years, China and Australia's resource-rich state have carried out a series of large projects in the fields of energy and natural resources. They have also expanded cooperation in education and scientific research.

President Hu says China stands ready to work with West Australia to take cooperation to the next level.

Carpenter says he is delighted to see the mutually-beneficial cooperation between Western Australia and China and hopes cooperation would be deepened in trade, infrastructure, science and technology and personnel exchanges.

Perth, capital of Western Australia, is the first leg of Hu's

week-long trip, which will also take him to Canberra and Sydney.


Editor:Du Xiaodan