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US, DPRK envoys praise recent constructive efforts at diplomacy


Source: | 03-07-2007 09:57

Envoys from the United States and the Democratic Peopel's Republic of Korea say recent talks in New York have been constructive. But the US envoy says no one should expect immediate results from these preliminary meetings.

Meanwhile, in the capital of Vietnam the Chief DPRK negotiator has outlined the agenda for a key meeting with his Japanese counterpart due to begin on Wednesday.

DPRK envoy Kim Kye-gwan and his US counterpart Christopher Hill, the Assistant Secretary of State held two days of talks earlier this week.

Their major concerns were the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and on steps toward normalizing bilateral relations.

Hill said, "I think so far we are on schedule for completing our 60-days set of initial actions. I think there was a commitment on their part to fulfill their part of the deal and I assured them that we will do our part as well."

Hill says the discussions were very valuable. But he said it would be premature to expect any immediate results from this initial working group session.