Headline News


NATO worries over Afghanistan operation


Source: | 11-29-2006 09:18

Related : Mission in Afghanistan tops agenda for NATO summit

Previous NATO summits have addressed the transformation of the 57-year old alliance. But this year, that question has been pushed aside by the pressing issue of Afghanistan.

Solomon Passy, Bulgarian Foreign Minister shed a tear as the flag raises. When the Bulgaria flag was first raised at the NATO headquarters in 2004, Solomon Passy's feelings must have been mixed. For Bulgaria, joining NATO not only signaled an end to the European divide, but also something more important.

Solomon Passy, Bulgarian Foreign Minister said, "This NATO enlargement marks the beginning of a historical process, that is the return of Central and Eastern countries to their natural environment and the common values of the Euro-Atlantic space."

But how do these common values balance out against risking the lives of 32,000 troops on streets filled with car bombs?

The British answer is "affirmative".

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Stratford-Wright, British forces spokesman said, "when it was confirmed that we had lost soldiers there was a minute of silence. But now we must get on with the job."