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央视国际 2004年08月31日 17:08


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  Basketball 篮球

  air pass 空中运球

  all-court press 全场紧逼

  back court 后场

  bank 篮板

  blocking a shot 盖帽

  break loose 摆脱

  center 中锋

  charging 撞人犯规

  close man-to-man 盯人防守

  cross shot 反手投篮

  drawn game 平局

  dribbler’s path 运球线路

  first quarter 第一节

  flash card 示分牌

  floor position 场上位置

  follow-up shot 补篮

  forward 前锋

  foul lane 三秒区

  free-throw 罚球

  goal attempts 投篮次数

  goal average 得分率

  guard 后卫

  hook shot 勾手投篮

  jump shot 跳投

  lay-up shot 上篮,切入篮

  missed shot 投篮未中

  out-of-bounds 出界

  rebound 篮板球

  right field 右锋

  ten-second violation 十秒钟违例

  time out 暂停

  trial 比分落后

  wing 边锋



  Basketball is a five-a-side court game. It can be played both indoors and outdoors. The ball is played by hand. The object of the game is to score points by putting the ball through a net basket.

  It is usually played on an indoor court twenty-eight metres long and fifteen metres wide. At each end of the court is a basket attached to a backboard. The ring of the basket is forty-five centimeters in diameter and is 3.05(three point oh five) metres above the floor. The game is played with a round ball, usually orange in colour.

  The modern game was devised by an American, James Naismith, in 1891(eighteen ninety-one). Basketball was first played at the Olympics in 1904 as a demonstration sport. At the Berlin Olympics of 1936 it became a full Olympic event. The United States is the dominant nation in world basketball. In North America, basketball is also called “hoops”.

  Basketball requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility and coordination. Individual ball handing skills are important, as well as an ability to play as the member of a team.

  篮 球




