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央视国际 2004年08月27日 15:24


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  Baseball 棒球

  ace 棒球队中最好的投手

  all-out 三人出局

  at bat 上场击球

  bag 垒;垒包、垒垫

  back up 策应者,后援

  ball and strike indicator 球击计算器

  balk 投手犯规

  base 垒

  base hit 安全打

  base man 守垒员

  base stealing 偷垒

  base-runner 跑垒员

  base umpire 司垒裁判员

  bat 球棒

  batter’s box 击球员区

  batter up 击球员就位

  batting average 击球率

  batter 击球员

  bull-pen squad 候补队员

  bushier 新手

  bluff throw 假传,虚传

  catcher 接球手

  catcher’s box 接球区

  center fielder 中外场员

  change sides 交换攻守

  clean steal 安全偷垒

  force out 封杀出局

  foul 界外球

  home 本垒

  home run homer 全垒打

  home run 本垒打

  inning 局,回合

  mitt 连指手套

  pitcher 投手

  pitcher’s mound 投球区

  plate umpire 主裁判

  sacrifice hit 牺牲打

  spike 棒球鞋

  supporter 护身

  whiff 挥空棒



  Baseball is a nine-a-side team game played on an outdoor field with a bat and a ball. It is both an amateur sport and a professional sport. The object of the game is to score more runs than the opposing team. A run is scored when a player makes his way round all the bases and back to home without being put out.

  The baseball field is divided into an infield and an outfield. The infield square has the four bases at its corners and is called the diamond. The diamond is surrounded on two sides by the outfield which is fair territory, and on the other two sides by foul territory. The bat is a hard, smooth, wooden club and is usually three feet six inches (one point oh six six eight metres-1.0668m.or 106.68cm) long. The round ball is covered in (horsehide).

  Baseball is regarded as the American national pastime. The International Baseball Association is the world governing body of amateur baseball. The sport will be included in the next Olympic Games at Atlanta in 1996 (nineteen ninety-six).

  Baseball requires speed and strength, balance and coordination, flexibility, agility, and so on. Individual skills such as batting, pitching and fielding are important, as well as the ability to play as the member of a team.

  棒 球






  11 Field Hockey 曲棍球

  backhand hit 反手击球

  bully 开球,争球

  cage 球门

  crashing shot 抢射

  deep defence 后卫

  field hockey 曲棍球运动

  hard shot 劲射

  knee-pad 护膝

  long corner 长角球

  obstruction 阻碍

  off-side 越位

  penalty corner 短角球 罚近角球

  penalty stroke 罚点球

  penalty spot 罚球点

  push-pass 推传球

  short corner 短角球

  stick 曲棍

  striking-circle 射门弧

  stick work 控制球的技术

  through pass 通过空档传球

  under cutting 切球
