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央视国际 2004年08月20日 20:13


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柔道:女子柔道78公斤 22:45 CCTV—5


  Judo 柔道

  adjudication board 裁判团

  arm throw 过背摔

  balk 仰面摔倒

  back fall 两肩着地

  black mark 输分

  clinch 扭住对手

  foot sweep 扫腿

  free-style wrestling 自由式摔跤

  Greco-Roman style 古典式摔跤

  ground techniques 寝技

  lie flat on the stomach 胸腹着地

  open-weight category 无差别级

  one point 一分,(一本)

  holding techniques 抓握技术

  inner thigh throw 挑(内股)

  major inner reap 里勾腿(大内刈)

  minor inner throw 耙(小内刈)

  naked strangle 踝绞

  red corner 红角(居间运动员休息区)

  ring out 摔出场外

  sacrifice techniques 舍身技

  scarf hold 抓领

  straight arm lock 十字逼肘(腕挫十字固)

  sweep 扫

  tatamis 塌塌米

  throws 摔(投)

  victory by forfeit 判罚对方获胜


  Table Tennis 乒乓球

  accuracy 命中率

  all round player 全能球员

  back court 远台

  backhand drive 反手抽球

  back spin service 发下旋球

  balloon shot 高球

  bat 球拍

  chisel 对搓/磨时间

  drive 抽球

  double hit 连击

  down-the-line-shot 直线球

  edge ball 擦边球

  extend the lead 拉开比分

  fault 发球犯规

  find a hot streak 连连得分

  forehand chop 正手削球

  gum 胶皮

  knife grip 横握拍

  knuckle ball 旋转球

  loop 弧圈球

  official ball 比赛用球

  peak form 巅峰状态

  penhold grip 直握拍

  point 得分

  psychological pressure 心理压力

  quick top spin service 发急上旋球

  ranking list 名次排列表

  retrieve 救球

  see-saw game 拉锯战

  service reception 接发球

  sound attack 抢攻

  the racket hand 执拍的手

  third ball attack 发球抢攻

  volley 拦击


  Table Tennis

  Table tennis is a game that is usually played indoors on a table. It can be played by single players or double teams. The object of the game is to score points. A game is won by the first player to reach twenty-one points. Serving and returning the ball are the basic skills of the game.

  It is played on a rectangular table nine feet (2.74metres) long and five feet (1.52metres) wide. The table top is two feet six inches (76centimetres) above the floor. The playing surface is divided into two courts by a net six inches(15.25centimetres) high. There is a white line round the edge of the table. Another white line down the center of the table divides it into left and right hand courts for doubles. The surface of the table tennis bat is covered with inward pimpled rubber or outward pimpled rubber.

  No one is sure who invented the game. It was probably adapted from lawn tennis, so that it could be played indoors. In about 1890 a celluloid ball replaced the rubber ball. The manufacturers of the ball invented the name “ping pong”. The ITTF was founded in 1926. Its headquarters are in England. China became a member of the ITTF in 1953. China and Sweden are some of the dominant nations in world table tennis.

  Table tennis requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork. A table tennis player is also called a paddler.

  乒 乓 球




