
03-17-2009 15:35

Special Report:   Tech Max

BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhuanet) -- Apple will hold its iPhone OS 3.0 preview event Tuesday and show off the next generation of software, the main rumor being that the iPhone will finally be able to cut, copy, paste text.

Apple will hold its iPhone OS 3.0 preview event Tuesday and show off the next generation of software, the main rumor being that the iPhone will finally be able to cut, copy, paste text.
Apple will hold its iPhone OS 3.0 preview event Tuesday and 
show off the next generation of software, the main rumor being
that the iPhone will finally be able to cut, copy, paste text.

Digg founder Kevin Rose, who told an audience at the SXSW festival over the weekend, said that users will be able to copy or cut a word by double-tapping on text.


A magnifier bubble would then pop up with quote marks, and the user would drag these to select how many words he or she wants to select. The user is then given the option of cut, copy, or paste, according to Rose.

Apple's rival platforms, like Google's Android, Microsoft's Windows Mobile and Research In Motion's BlackBerry, have long been able to do this.

Forrester Research analyst Charles Golvin also speculated that it might include multiple Bluetooth profiles, tethering to a laptop, video recording, and running applications in the background.

Computerworld's Seth Weintraub is making a prediction that Apple will use Tuesday's preview to show off a 10-inch (25.4 cm) tablet computer.

No word if Apple CEO Steven Jobs will attend the preview.

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Editor:Yang Jie