
04-21-2008 18:14

Edict Issued by Emperor Thogan Themur to Yontan Gyaltshan in the 22nd Year of Zhizheng, the YuanDynasty (1362) appointing him as the PacificationCommissioner. 
Edict Issued by Emperor Thogan Themur to Yontan Gyaltshan in the 22nd
Year of Zhizheng, the Yuan Dynasty (1362) appointing him as the 
Pacification Commissioner.

In the Yuan Dynasty, the Central Government set up the Pacification Council in Dadu (Beijing) and the Pacification Department in Tibet to exercise jurisdiction over Tibet.  Wanhu(ten thousand households) Office and Pacification Commission were also established directly under the Pacification Department. This edict appoints Yontan Gyaltshan Pacification Commissioner of Povbor in the area of Tshaonggib(today’s Dzogang, Mangkam and Paltang ).

Edict Issued by Emperor Thogan Themur to Yontan Gyaltshan in the 22nd Year of Zhizheng, the YuanDynasty (1362) appointing him as the PacificationCommissioner. 
Edict Issued by Emperor Thogan Themur to Yontan Gyaltshan
in the 22nd Year of Zhizheng, the Yuan Dynasty (1362) 
appointing him as the Pacification Commissioner.