
04-02-2007 17:37

The World Bank has issued a fresh reminder on the possibility of a bird flu pandemic among humans. They say a severe pandemic could cost the world two trillion US dollars in a worst case scenario. The figure accounts for nearly five percent of the world economy's gross national product, up two and a half times on previous estimates. The warning has been issued during the IMF's annual meeting in Singapore.

Meanwhile in Beijing, medical experts from twelve Asia-Pacific countries are discussing how the region is preparing itself for a possible pandemic. Our reporter Zhu Yan brings us the latest.

Bird flu has killed more than one hundred and forty people since it re-emerged in Asia three years ago. Most deaths have been linked to contact with infected birds. Poultry farms have been severely hit. 220 million birds have been slaughtered in the past year, significantly impacting rural livelihoods, especially in poor areas.