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教育频道 > 第20个教师节贺词征集专版 > 文字专栏 > 正文

To teachers on the teachers’ day(作者: 刘超煊)

央视国际 2004年09月16日 15:45

  By Wilson Liu

  Scores of you I have experienced

  None don’t deserve gratitude

  Today is the day of your own

  I’d be honored to sing you a song

  All your life you spend spreading knowledge and creeds

  Leading kids to realize their dreams

  You are depicted as a burning candle

  Being men’s soul seeder

  As time elapses

  Your forehead wrinkles, hairs turn grey

  From which I see a dedication of lifetime

  Tireless and selfless

  As time elapses

  Students come back to you and gift you with their success

  From which I see a beautiful mind

  Sacred and honored

  Scores of you I have experienced

  None don’t deserve gratitude

  Today is the day of your own

  I’d be honored to sing you a song
