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>> 英语乐园


央视国际 2003年08月05日 10:24







  节目内容:《神奇儿童英语》第三十一集 第三十二集





  第一个小故事:The Speed Boat

  小朋友,这个故事的题目,你会读的!Here's "The" So it is The – something! The picture gives you a clue. The Speed … Boat 快艇。故事讲的是什么呢?我们快来看看:

  The boat went past the swimmers. "Look out!" said the swimmers. The boat went past the windsurfers. "Look out!" said the windsurfers. 可是这些顽皮的孩子根本不听,还是加足马力继续前行。The boat went past the …rowers. Look out!" said the rowers. The boat went past the divers. "Look out!" said the divers. The boat went past the sailboats. 你知道水手们说了什么吗? 小朋友,你注意到快艇在朝哪儿开?

  故事会怎样结尾呢?小朋友,你猜?The boat went past more people. The boat went under a bridge. "Look out!" Crash! 小朋友,这就是故事的结尾了,这个单词你认识的!crash! The speedboat crashed onto the rocks. 刚才水手们是这么喊的:Look out for the rocks! 我猜他们开得太快了,已经来不及看清方向了! 不过,幸好他们都穿着救生衣。

  Second Read

  好了,小朋友,现在你知道这个故事了,我们一起来读一遍吧!The Speed Boat小朋友你一定要记得用很大的声音把 "Look out!"喊出来哦!

  Start here! The boat went past the swimmers. "Look out!" said the swimmers. The boat went past the windsurfers. "Look out!" said the windsurfers. The boat went past the rowers. "Look out!" said the rowers. The boat went past the divers. "Look out!" said the divers. The boat went past the sailboats. "Look out!" said the sailors. "Look out for the rocks!" "Look out!" Crash! Well done, you read the whole story: fantastic reading!


  开快艇的孩子没听到大家喊:Look out!" 也许他应该注意一下指示牌。我们就在石头上立一个吧。上面写什么呢?"Look out!" Yes! Look out! 这儿又有一个警告的牌子,我们来念念看:"Beware of dog” 牌子告诉我们“小心有狗”。Where is the dog? There he is! 牌子上写着:"Danger." 它告诉我们要小心鳄鱼。 Uh, oh! 这些小朋友没看到牌子,他们走到了鳄鱼的背上。Look out! Danger! Help! Run! Stop! That's what this sign says. It tells you to look out for elephants. There's one …Stop! There's another! Stop!小心,别让大象踩到你的脚哦!



  Tooth Morph

  看!有样东西不见了。它又小又白,牙医时常提醒你要好好照顾它。It begins with the letter "T" Do you know what it is? You do! It's a tooth! T for Tooth

  第二个故事:My Tooth

  下面这个故事就是关于牙齿的,这是Sam,他有一颗牙齿松动了。接下来会发生什么事情呢?我们一起来看看:故事叫:My Tooth.看Sam的牙齿松动的多厉害呀!妈妈要怎么给Sam拔牙呢?看她拿的什么?爸爸能帮Sam拔牙吗?Sam好像不太愿意用哪个东西拔牙呦!

  爷爷想出一个好办法,Sam可不这样想哦!轮到Sam的姐姐了。Oh no! Not a hammer. 你猜Sam会怎么说?"No!" "No! No! No!" "Go away! I do not want my tooth out!" 小朋友,你猜故事会怎么结尾呢?

  The tooth stays in! The tooth comes out.我们快看看。The tooth comes out 这就是故事的结尾,可是牙齿呢?In the apple! "Oops! My tooth is out!" says Sam Ouch! That hurts! 其实一点儿都不疼,你瞧,他还挺高兴的呢!

  Second Read:

  好了,小朋友,我们一起来读故事吧!故事的题目是:"My … Tooth" Sam的牙齿松动了,他是怎么说的?My tooth is loose. Yes! "I will get your tooth out," said Mum. "I will get your tooth out," said Dad. "I will get your tooth out," said Grandad. "I will get your tooth out," said Sister. "No," I said. "No! No! No!" "Go away!

  I do not want my tooth out!" "Oops! My tooth is out!" Great reading! Now his tooth is out, there's room for a new tooth to grow!

  Alphabet Link: T, t

  还记得这个字母吗?It's a capital "T". 小写字母t呢?我们在下面这个句子里找找看。"I will get your tooth out," said Dad. There's one, that's easy, tooth starts with a "t". And there's another letter "t" in the middle of the word. There's another at the end of "get".还能找到别的吗?Sure you can — there! At the end of "out" "I will get your tooth out," said Dad.我们在字母汤里找找字母t,你知道它在哪儿的!


  The Speed Boat

  又到了复习的时间了,The Speed Boat 第一个小故事都讲了什么?快艇经过游泳的人swimmers。"Look out!" said the swimmers. 快艇经过帆板运动员windsurfers。"Look out!" said the windsurfers. 快艇经过划船的人rowers。"Look out!" said the rowers.快艇经过潜水者divers。"Look out!" said the divers.快艇经过帆船sailboats。"Look out!" said the sailors. "Look out for the rocks!" "Look out!" Crash! 真棒!你读得好极了!开得这么快,撞上石头了吧!我们可不能这么不小心,安全起见,还是立个牌子,提醒大家注意吧!

  牌子上写什么呢?"Look out!" Yes! Look out!

  My Tooth

  还有一个小故事是讲什么的来着?"My … Tooth" 小朋友,你的牙齿要掉的时候,会不会像Sam 这样大叫:“My tooth is loose.”Yes! "I will get your tooth out," said Mum. "I will get your tooth out," said Dad. "I will get your tooth out," said Grandad. "I will get your tooth out," said Sister. "No," I said. "No! No! No!" "Go away! I do not want my tooth out!" "Oops! My tooth is out!" 别担心,掉的牙很快就会长出来的!



  Link: Riddle + Morph

  这是什么动物啊?我们平常能在农场里找到它,它还为我们提供牛奶。This is its tail …There are its legs … This is its body …This is its head …小朋友,猜出来了吧!What is it? It’s a cow and "cow" starts with a "c". "c" for "cow"

  第一个小故事:The Cow in the Hole

  接下来的故事里就有一头母牛。Oh dear, the cow is stuck! This story is about … let's read the title The Cow in the Hole! 农民们发现母牛掉进了坑里,想把它救出来。可是要怎么做呢?You could try to pull it. Or…ou could push it. Or …you could get more people to help you to push it.孩子们是怎么把母牛救上来的呢? They are the clever ones! 你知道的,母牛最喜欢吃干草,坑里又什么吃的都没有,母牛都饿坏了。所以它一看到孩子们拿的干草,自己就从坑里爬了出来。我们来看看这句话是怎么说的: And the children got the cow out of the hole.

  现在,我们一起来看故事,你可以把故事都读出来,What do these words say? Look at the picture – it will help you. "We will get you out," said the … Yes. policemen. "We will get you out," said the policemen. Now look at this sentence. 它和上一句几乎一模一样只换了一个单词,我们把句子读出来:"We will get you out," said the …It begins with "f". Yes. Firefighters "We will get you out," said the fire fighters.这些人是怎么救坑里的母牛的呢?Here are the words that tell us. They pushed and pushed. But the cow did not get out. Here are the policemen again. What did they do? These words are the same on this page: They pushed and pushed. But the cow did not get out. I think we can read this story about the "Cow in the Hole". It's easy; you can do it!

  Second Read

  Here's the title. The Cow in the Hole The cow was in the hole. "We will get you out," said the farmers. They pushed and pushed. But the cow did not get out. "We will get you out," said the policemen. They pushed and pushed. But the cow did not get out. "We will get you out," said the firefighters.

  They pushed and pushed. But the cow did not get out. "We will get you out," said the children. They got some hay for the cow. And the children got the cow out of the hole. Now, let's find out what happens on the last page. "Hooray!" said the people.母牛从坑里出来了,大家都很开心。

  我们也要用很开心的语气来读这句话哦!来,试试看——"Hooray!" said the people.

  Alphabet Link: "C"

  Here's the letter "C" again: "C" for Cow Here are two more words that begin with "c": camel and cat This is camel. This is cat. It's a cat you know! A cat in a purple hat.

  第二个故事:The Animal Clinic

  这个小故事讲了好多生病的动物。们来看看故事里都有谁:There's the … giraffe. the … elephant, the … tiger, the … snake, the … alligator注意了,它不叫crocodile,而叫alligator故事的名字就叫——The Animal Clinic 动物生病的时候都会去那儿,

  看!门上的大牌子——Animal clinic. Here's the first character. What's wrong with him? Let's read the words and find out! "I have a sore throat," said the ——这个单词你认识giraffe。"I have a sore …" What's wrong with this character? He's got a sore … nose.鼻子又红又肿一定很疼。"I have a sore nose," said the … elephant!

  What's wrong with the tiger? He's got a sore mouth — or is it a sore tooth? Let's read the sentence and find out. "I have a sore …" it begins with "t", it must be tooth! "I have a sore tooth," said the tiger. It looks like the snake has a sore stomach. Let's see if that is right! "I have a sore …" it begins with "s", "t" – it must be st–omach! "I have a sore stomach," said the snake.

  这些动物都去找医生,"Where is the doctor?" said the animals. 但是,看,医生来了。"I am the doctor," said the … alligator. 你猜动物们会怎么样呢?The animals are running away! 而且边跑边说:"We are better," said the animals. Goodbye! They did not want to go to an alligator doctor. Who'd want an alligator for a doctor? Only other alligators, I suppose! Or perhaps crocodiles might go to him!

  Second Read:

  好了,我们再读一遍故事,The Animal Clinic Where do we start? Here! "I have a sore throat," said the giraffe. "I have a sore nose," said the elephant. "I have a sore tooth," said the tiger. "I have a sore stomach," said the snake. "Where is the doctor?" said the animals. "I am the doctor," said the alligator. "We are better," said the animals. "Goodbye!"

  Writing Link: Prescriptions

  大象的鼻子疼要吃什么药呢?我们看看动物医生给它开的是什么?What's wrong with you, elephant? "I have a sore …nnn … nose! Ah! you need some purple frog medicine! Purple frog medicine. 2 times a day. Purple frog medicine. 2 times a day. And what's wrong with you, tiger? "I have a sore … ttt … tooth!" You need to use green goo toothpaste, 3 times a day. Green goo toothpaste. 3 times a day. Green goo toothpaste. 3 times a day. Now, what's wrong with you, giraffe? Oh, oh, oh! I have a sore throat! This is what you need: Jellybeans and ice cold juice. Jellybeans and ice cold juice. Purple frog medicine is good! Green goo toothpaste is good! Jellybeans and ice cold juice are very, very good! "We are better! Thank you!"





  节目名称:《日语新视听》第十八集 <双腿步行机器人的现状>


  主 持 人:李丽桃(首都师范大学日语系 教师)

  嘉 宾:户上 忠显




  内容介绍: 大家好!欢迎继续收看CCTV英语教学节目《胜利之门》GOAL!

  Hi, everyone. Welcome to Goal. This is unit 6 part 1.

  Now we start a new unit,this is the first part,

  we will have a recap of last unit,unit 05,

  And first of all let's review the recap of the pervious episode.



  Yes. His coach ,Alex, is quite satisfied with Manni's

  performance and says "Manni is a star player, and London Rangers

  are definitely offering him a contract."


  Yes. That's true. Manni finds the Millhouse Hotel lounge filled with a press pack.

  Press 就是媒体的意思。今天的故事一开始,

  Manni 所住的旅馆Millhouse 就被记者围得水泄不通。

  I 'm anxious to know how the hotel manage with the newspaper photographers.

  Now Manni has become a star. He is followed everywhere by the press.

  经理Charlie 非常气愤。他说,No comment.意思是“无可奉告”。


  Will your President visit London in May?

  你的总裁5月来伦敦访问吗?No comment. "无可奉告。

  Who will be the coach for your team next year?

  明年谁会当你们队的教练?" No comment. "无可奉告。


  Get out of my hotel and don't come back, alright?

  Get out of my hotel. 这里的Get out of 用得很不客气,翻译成中文就是“滚开,滚出去”。

  为了让媒体记者离开,他最后几乎下了命令. 我们看看他是怎么说的

  "Right you lot. I am going to count to ten and then I want you off my property."

  " I'm going to count to ten and then I want you off my property! "

  Right you lot. 听好了,你们这帮家伙。“我数到十,你们必须离开我的地盘。”

  Property,财产,这里是指地盘。 Want somebody off somewhere.





  Could you please leave me alone for a while?



  Let's come back to our story. 曼尼进了两个球之后,


  Paul says, " It won't last. He had a lucky game."

  It won't last.长不了。He had a lucky game. 这场球算他走运。

  He also says, " As soon as I'm fit again, he'll be out. I'll be straight back in."


  Paul 认为曼尼只能临时替他踢几场。 “be straight back in ”,

  直接回主力阵容,不经过reserve team(预备队) 。



  Jim! Could you give me a cloth! Jim! 给我一块抹布好吗?

  cloth 在英语中做可数名词时指专为某种用途的“一小块布”,

  e.g. Clean with a cloth.用抹布把桌子擦干净。

  当你请求别人帮你做某事的时候,我们用 “could you” 。

  We can also use "Would you please ?" For example,

  "Would you please get me a cup of water ?"

  “帮我倒杯水好吗?”我们知道"Please do something for me"

  虽然汉语里译成“请帮我做什么” 但它仍是一种命令的口气。

  请求别人帮助的时候最好用"could you" 或者"Would you"更有礼貌。

  Now Manni is facing some kind of pressure which comes with success。

  How does he react to it?

  Now Manni is at a loss. He doesn't know how to handle the press.

  He says, "It's like a zoo down there! I feel like an animal.


  He also says "I feel like a criminal"

  我觉得就像个罪犯。" feel like",是“感觉像”。

  She feels like a princess in that dress. 她穿上那件衣服感觉像个公主。

  That host made the stranger feel like a thief. 主人让那个陌生人感觉像个贼。

  It feels like snow. 感觉要下雪了。

  面对这么多的媒体记者,Manni的确无法招架。他说It's incredible. 难以置信 莫名其妙

  It's amzing. 真让人吃惊!This is unbelievable. 难以相信!


  We have learned before。乍一听起来好像有点夸张,但是在和外国人交往的时候,


  Okay! Manni's friends are helping Manni to cope with the press .

  Sophie tells him "This kind of pressure comes with success,

  you have to learn how to manage it!"


  Manage the pressure也就是应对、处理压力。

  Here, "manage" means handle something or control something.

  " to manage" also has some other meanings. Here are some examples.

  Manage a business 管理生意 Manage a horse 驾驭一匹马

  She managed to keep her temper. 她尽量克制自己的脾气。

  Mrs Black likes to manage other people. 布莱克夫人喜欢管别人。

  不过这些媒体记者还真不好对付,Joe says:

  Well,now the press know where you live,

  they`ll be camping outside until they get what they want。


  be camping outside在外面露营。

  It`s true,they will,媒体间的竞争很厉害,为了能采访到一些独家新闻,



  I don`t see the new football star here yet,do you?Jim says:

  he is probably still reading all the papers and cutting out the photos of himself。



  Now Alex comes in,he says, " Good work yesterday.

  Sophie is been with the Club on a temporary basis,

  but she is now the Club`s new Director of the Fitness and Diet.”

  So Alex offers Sophie a new contract.

  She is now the club's new Director of Fitness and Diet.



  Then,Manni comes in,he is late because the press is everywhere。

  Alex tells Manni :“Take no notice of the press, Manni.

  If you are a success, then you're going to be in the news. ”

  “Take no notice of the press”,不要理睬媒体。

  Take no notice of what others say about your way of life.


  Take no notice of Paul's words. 别理睬保罗说的话。


  But I think Paul's father Alex as the coach

  is quite fair to all the football players . He is good to Manni.

  Although Alex is the father of Paul,he don`t want to spoiled him,

  Alex says to Paul "You know you've got to play

  for your place in the team just like anyone else. "

  "You've got to play for your place "你的位置得靠你自己打出来。

  Alex 告诫儿子,他在选择前锋时绝对是按原则办事,讲的是实力。

  You've got to work for your place." 你的位置是靠你努力干出来的。

  We've got to work for our progress. 我们靠勤奋学习才能进步。

  It is very interesting that Alex is encouraging his son,

  Paul,to have a girlfriend. He says to his son,

  "You two should come over for dinner one night."

  知道儿子正在交女友, 他还给儿子出主意,叫儿子把女朋友带回父母家来吃顿饭。

  I think maybe this is a cultural difference.

  In UK, a 18-year old boy or girl is considered to be an adult.

  Usually he or she will not live with their parents and begin to date.

  It is not unusually that parents talk with their son or daughter

  about his or her girlfriend or boyfriend.




  Joe and Sophie are both good friends of Manni.

  Sophie gets her position working in London Ranger's club.

  She tells Joe ""It was Manni's performance that got me the job."


  这是个强调句用先行代词it开头后面接that 引导的从句,表示强调原因。我们多举几个例子:

  It was the manager's help that got us a new place to live.


  It was the English program GOAL that made me love English.


  It was a steward that sent Manni out of the pitch.


  教练请Sophie吃饭,Sophie 对Joe说了什么?

  Sophie says "It'd be more fun If I had a friend there."

  That means Sophie hopes Joe would go to the dinner with her.

  But she doesn't say it directly.


  她用了一种虚拟语气,It'd be more fun If I had a friend there



  Of course, Joe understands what Sophie means.

  He says" Yeah. Alex can be a bit scary sometimes- I'll be there."

  Scary 吓人的,Alex有时的确很吓人。我会去的。他还说“What are friends for?”


  No comment 无可奉告 Get out of here 滚开、滚出去

  Could you give me a cloth! 递给我一块抹布好吗?

  Would you please get me a cup of water? 帮我倒杯水好吗?

  It's incredible. 难以置信 莫名其妙 It's amzing. 真让人吃惊!

  This is unbelievable. 难以相信!

  强调句“It is .....that ...”的用法:

  It was Manni's performance that got me the job.

  "It'd be more fun If I had a friend there."

  Now let's watch the whole story.

  In the following stories you may wonder

  How will Manni keep away from the press?

  Where will Emma take Manni for a walk?

  Will Paul get fit soon?

  Will Emma date Paul for dinner?

  And is their relationship going anywhere?

  See you next time

  Bye Bye.




  Hi, everyone, welcome to Goal. This is unit6 part 2.


  Because of Manni's excellent performance,

  Sophie also got a position in London Ranger's club.

  She is now the Club's new director of fitness and diet.


  I am afraid Paul will not let Manni take his place.

  It seems the story is becoming more complicated.

  听说有这么多的记者围着Manni, Jim有点好奇,他想问问Joe和媒体都谈了些什么?

  But Joe answered "It wasn't much fun though."

  "wasn't much fun" means not interesting.

  It wasn't much fun. 没什么意思。这里的fun, 是个不可数名词。是指乐趣、有趣的事。




  Yes. When Jim hears Paul is going out shopping.

  He also wants to go with him. He says "Is it okay if I come?"


  I think Paul would go out with his girlfriend.

  So he said "No mate. Rather you didn't, okay?"

  Rather you didn't. 你最好别去。这里的rather后面跟的是虚拟语气,


  -I will buy you a T-shirt.

  -Rahter you didn't 我会给你买体恤衫。 最好你别买。

  -Shall I go out with you and your girlfriend?

  -Rather you didn't.



  “I'm your driver. ” Manni 想去什么地方呢?

  Anywhere!Somewhere where these people can't find me!

  用了这么多的 Where。 第一个anywhere是指任何地方。任何地方都可以。

  Somewhere 是某个地方的意思Somewhere where these people can't find me!

  去一个这帮人找不到我的地方。Where these people can't find me.是一个定语从句。


  Let's move on. Emma says to Manni: I'll take you to a place

  I always go when I need to relax.


  这个句子里省略了一个单词where. 不省略的话,

  我们说“I'll take you to a place where I always go when I need to relax.”

  Can you make a guess where I always go when I need to relax?


  Maybe somewhere where you can take a walk.

  Correct! Yes, you're right.

  I'll go somewhere where I can take a long walk.

  Zoe, guess where I always go when I need to relax?

  Sanlitun? some bars? 三里屯酒吧?

  No. Somewhere where I can play pingpang. 不对。去个能打乒乓球的地方。

  Paul无意中听到Alex 和Andy对他和Manni的评价。

  Andy asks Alex "Is Paul coming straight back

  into the first team when he is fit?"

  Come straight back into the first team.

  直接回到主力阵容里来。一般受伤的队员应该回到后备队reserve team。

  Paul 多么想听到他的父亲说“yes!”但是他的父亲Alex说:

  He's going to find it difficult to get back into the first team,

  if Manni continues to play so well.

  他的父亲说“如果Manni 继续踢得这么好,Paul将会很难回到主力阵容中来。”

  Find it difficult to do something 这个用法中的it是形式宾语,

  真正的宾语是to do something 这个动词不定式短语,把它放在句尾使句子更匀称。


  Many people find it difficult to get along with him.


  I make it a rule to write an essay every week.


  Alex also said "The competition for places in the team, its good for the club.


  Competition for places 如果用我们现在常用的一个词来翻译这个短语,也是恰到好处。


  Yes. But I am afraid that Paul will be very disappointed to hear that.

  I think so. But he has to face the reality. Let's view this part.

  面对媒体的追逐,Manni 和Emma 选择了逃跑的对策。

  I wonder where Emma drives to. It must be a quiet place.

  Manni kisses Emma! They come to the riverside of the Thames.

  Yes. Emma 和Manni 到了泰晤士河畔。他们很谈得来。

  While emma and Manni are walking,

  I saw a beautiful bridge over the river of Thames.

  What is that bridge?

  Oh! It is london tower bridge.

  Because it is very close to London tower, an ancient castle.



  因为离英国一座古代塔式城堡伦敦塔London Tower很近而得名。

  伦敦塔桥全长270米。从英国南部一个叫南安普顿的港口( Southampton Port )



  埃玛选择带马尼来到泰晤士河畔塔桥附近散心,It`s a good place。

  Emma says, You've done really well. That's why the press are after you.


  to be after sb, 是追逐、跟随某人的意思。我们来看两个例句:

  The police are after him. 警方正在追捕他。

  He is after her for her beauty. 他因为她的美丽而追求她。


  " You have to be positive and keep moving forward."


  be positive 态度积极的 它的反义词be negative 态度消极的

  keep moving forward 继续向前奋进

  Be more positive! This is not the end of the world. 积极点儿,这不是世界末日。

  You don't have to feel so negative. 不要如此消极。

  We need to keep moving forward, or we may lose in the next season. 我们不断得努力,不然下个赛季可能会输掉。

  Emma also tells Manni "the press attenttion is the price you pay for success." Which means you have to accept this kind of pressure from the press since you are getting successful.


  That's the price you've to pay for learning English. 这是学英语所需付出的代价。

  Come back to the story. Emma loves to have a walk along the riverside of Thames.

  She tells Manni "I always came here when I need to get away from everything,

  when I need to clear my mind and get my head straight."

  Get away from everything从烦事中摆脱出来;

  clear one's mind 清醒头脑; get one's head straight理清思绪。

  The riverside of the Thames is so beautiful.

  Many famous scenic spots in London are along the river of Thames.

  I believe people surely feel relaxed when they are walking there.


  他希望Emma能从事她喜欢的服装行业。因为Manni觉得Emma 在服装设计方面有天赋。

  Manni said to Emma" I really think you should do more with your shirts.

  Emma, they're great."

  should do more with 应当进一步发展某些方面,应在某一方面多花些时间。

  You should do more with your photos. 你应在摄影上也有些发展。

  Jim should do more with his golf. 吉姆应该更多地练练他的高尔夫。

  Emma of course loves to do more with fashion business,

  but she knows it is very difficult to survive in that field. She says,"

  Oh, I'd love to but the fashion business is really difficult to get into."

  "get into"这里的意思是“进入某个行业、卷入什么事情中去”意思。我们还可以说

  Get into a trouble 惹上麻烦

  Get into debt 负债

  "get into"还有一个意思是穿鞋子的意思。

  I can't get into these shoes because they are too small.



  Yes. They are very compatible. And Manni kisses Emma.

  Is this a sign to the following story?

  I do not know. Zoe, do u think normal friends can kiss like that?

  It is hard to say. Usually normal friends only kiss slightly on the cheek.

  Very slightly. But this kiss is a little bit special.



  Yes. Maybe they are close friends and always be together.

  In fact, Jim is quite friendly to Paul.

  He wants Paul to have some rest, because Paul's ankle was injured.

  He said "Why don't you give your ankle some rest?"

  "Why don't you..." 为什么不这么做呢?吉姆劝保罗回去休息,

  他说: " Why don't you give your ankle some rest? "


  " Why don't you give your mouth some rest? "



  Jim:Why don't you give your ankle some rest?

  Paul:Why don't you give your a mouth some rest?

  Although Paul is very impolite to Jim,

  Jim seems has got used to it. He said nothing.

  Also at the lobby, Joe is seeking some information of renting a room for Manni.

  Joe tells Alex: "Well, the hotel was a nightmare this morning."

  a nightmare 一场恶梦,可怕极了,情况糟透了。


  The football fans created a lot of trouble, that was a nightmare."


  We lost that game. The away team was ferocious. Two of us were injured.

  It was a nightmare.我们输掉了那场球。客队很凶,我们对有两人受伤。真是一场恶梦。

  Alex is also thinking that the press has disturbed Manni's life.

  He gives advice to Joe, "You should speak to my secretary about this.

  See if the club can help you find somewhere."





  Alex is really a considerate manager.

  He recommend that Joe and Manni share one apartment.

  He says "what if Manni was to share a flat with you?

  You could afford somewhere decent and it'd be more private for Manni."


  Share one apartment就是“合住一套公寓”。

  You could afford somewhere decent 意思是说“你也可以住得更体面更好一点。”



  But usually, people like to have their own space, especially in the west.

  Even they share one apartment, they have different bedrooms.

  So Joe says, "Well, it's not that simple. I like my own space."





  Alex is very strong. He promises "I will make sure

  that the club finds you somewhere really nice to live, okay?"

  I will make sure 我保证,我许诺,

  I will make sure that the club finds you somewhere really nice to live.


  For the sake of Manni and the club, Joe agreed finally.


  Manni brings a digital camera with him.

  Now digital things are very popular.

  DVD player, mobile phone, palm computer are all digital.

  Young people like them very much.




  I carry it everywhere with me. It's good for snapshots.

  Snapshot,means a hasty shot, a photograph taken quickly and informally.

  我随身携带,拍照片很方便。Snapshot 就是快照,很随便的拍摄。

  It is good for snapshots. 意思是说“数字相机很方便拍快照。”

  Did you notice Emma's attitudes to Paul and Manni.

  You can see this from her words.


  Manni: Did you have a good time at the party with Paul?

  Emma: It was okay.

  Sophie: Have you had a good time?

  Emma: Yeah, I've had a really, really good day.

  “It was okay.”意思是:还可以,过得去吧。在聚会上和Paul在一起还凑合吧!

  When Emma is answering Sophie,she says "I've had a really really good day."

  It means she is very happy with Manni.




  I'd like to take you out for dinner tomorrow night.

  It'll be something a bit special.

  Take you out for dinner 是带你出去吃晚饭的意思。

  It will be something a bit special。



  Something special 特别的东西

  Something strange 奇怪的东西

  Something good 好的东西

  Something bad 坏的东西

  无巧不成书,Paul要邀请Emma 吃晚饭,而Joe 要和大家开party, 庆祝三件事情。

  To celebrate Sophie's new job, Manni's new contract.

  To celebrate Joe and Manni's new home.

  Three wonderful things to celebrate.



  Completely different. Emma says, " I'd love to come."

  But Paul doesn't want Emma to go. He says, " Emma, don't go with them."

  "I'd love to come!" Emma说她很想去,而Paul却不同意。


  I really want to spend some time with you, just the two of us。


  Some time 是一段时间的意思。而 sometime 则是某个时侯的意思。

  Sometimes 则是有时的意思。我们来看几个例句:

  some time



  I have been staying in China for quite some time。


  I will meet her sometime in the near future。


  I sometimes go to London for my holidays。


  Manni and Emma have a good time together on the riverside of the Thames.




  首先是it 做为形式宾语的用法,it 做为形式宾语,把真正的宾语动词不定式放在句尾。

  Many people find it difficult to get along with him.


  I make it a rule to write an essay every week.



  例如:Something special 特别的东西

  Something strange 奇怪的东西

  Something good 好的东西

  Something bad 坏的东西


  介词after 的用法;why don't you 的用法;

  还有sometime, some time, sometimes 的用法。

  You may wonder: How is Manni and Joe's new flat? Is it really nice?

  Will Emma and Paul join the party? What is special of Paul's date with Emma?

  Let's find out next time.

  See you till then. Hope you have studied something useful!
