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>> 教育部公布21个国家学校名单


央视国际 2003年12月24日 15:37




  二、 名单


  The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

  National Technical University of Athens (Atehens Polytechnic School)

  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  Athens University of Economics and Business

  Agr]icultural University of Athens

  Athens School of Fine Arts

  Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences

  University of Piraeus

  University of Macedonia

  University of Patras

  University of Ioannina

  Democritus University of Thrace

  University of Crete

  Technical University of Crete

  University of Thessaly

  University of The Aegean

  Ionian University

  Harokopeio University

  University of Peloponnese


  Technological Educational Institution of Athens

  Technological Educational Institution of West Macedonia

  Technological Educational Institution of Epirus

  Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki

  Technological Educational Institution of Kavala

  Technological Educational Institution of Klamata

  Technological Educational Institution of Crtete

  Technological Educational Institution of Lamia

  Technological Educational Institution of Larissa

  Technological Educational Institution of Messolonghi

  Technological Educational Institution of Patras

  Technological Educational Institution of Piraeus

  Technological Educational Institution of Serres

  Technological Educational Institution of Chalkida


  Hellenic Open University

  School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

