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Venue for WTO's Fourth Ministerial Meeting Unchanged 
WED, OCT 24, 2001
WTO Director General Mike Moore has dismissed suspicions that the venue for the fourth ministerial meeting may change. He said the meeting would be held in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, as planned.

WTO Director General Moore said in Doha that the fourth ministerial meeting would be held in the city from November 9 to 13.

Since the US-led forces started military strikes against Afghanistan, many countries have expressed their concerns over the safety of having such an important meeting in a Gulf state.

Moore made the statement after holding emergency talks with the Qatari government on preparations for the meeting.

The ministerial meeting will give final approval to China's accession to the WTO. It is the result of some 15 years of comprehensive talks between China and other WTO members.

The meeting will also discuss the issue of starting a new round of bilateral trade negotiations in an effort to reverse the declining world economy.

The ministerial meetings were established as the the WTO's major decision-making body in 1995. The meetings are held at least once every two years.

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