


  二套周日19:00首播 一套周五14:00 十套12:00、19:00重播

  E: Hi! Welcome to "Let's talk." Today we're going to be talking about the word "drive." You know we've talked about cars lately, and we think it is also very important to talk about the word "drive." It's used in many different contexts in English.

  R: That's right. You really can't do anything with your car if you can't drive it.

  E: Drive is a noun and a verb as well. We think of "drive a car", but you can also "go for a drive."

  R: Here "drive" is a noun. It's also name for a street or a road. There're many famous big streets called "drive", like Lakeshore Drive or Memorial Drive. And you may need to take a driver's test. How would you study for this test? I have kids at home who are dying to learn to drive a car. And first you would need to take driver's ED.

  E: Yeah. And driver's ED is different in all the different countries. And I know in China you have to take classes and drive around with an instructor for a while. And that's true in Europe you have to be 18 like in China. But in the US and perhaps in Canada, you can drive even as early as 15 and a half.

  R: That's right. At the age of 15 you can get a learner's permit or you drive with your parents or another driver and you're learning. And then you take a test. There're usually two tests, written test and road test that's where you're really driving. I know my driver's ED was free. I didn't pay anything. I took it in school.

  E: It happens in school. And also if you do take driver's ED at school, your insurance for your car is much cheaper.

  R: But when we lived in Germany, many of the young people there turned 18 and paid very expensive private tuition for a long year's course in driving the car. And I thought their class was excellent. Because they even drove at night and leant to repair car if they were broken. It was very impressive. So I think the more you know about how to drive a car, the better off you are.

  E: Well, but today we're going to talk about vocabulary and different vocabulary phrases that include the word "drive" because it's not just "drive a car."

  R: Here're some drive words for you. Have you ever been to the "drive-in"? I usually think of "the drive-in movie." And that's where you sit outside and watch the film from your car. Drive in and watch the movie.

  E: And we have one in Beijing. I don't know if you have one where you are. But we have one drive-in movie theater here in Beijing. There's also "drive-through." There're a lot of "drive-through" shops. For example, a shop where you can take your photographs to have them developed to get your pictures made and that's called "a drive-through." You don't have to get out the car and go into the shop. Just go to "the drive-though," and you drive though in your car, open the window, and give the lady your money. Then you'll get your pictures.

  R: Yeah. I know there're "drive- through convenient stores" where you buy groceries.

  E: Yeah. There's "drive-up." At the very beginning this wasn't done. But after more people started getting cars in the US about the 1950's, they had a "drive-up" restaurant where you could go and take your car. You drive in, you order your food and a cute little girl will usually come to bring your food and put it on your car. They had a tray that would sit on your car.

  R: And you know in places where parking is difficult, for instance, at my mother's bank, it's good to have a "drive-up window." When she goes to the bank, she drives up without parking or getting out. But she does all for banking, puts the money in, and takes the money out at the "drive-up window."

  E: Yeah. It's quite convenient.

  R: There's also a "backseat driver." Have you heard of a "backseat driver"?

  E: I often had a "backseat driver" in my car. A "backseat driver" is someone who sits in the back seat behind the driver and says "Look out! There's a car coming!" "You're driving too fast!"

  R: "You drive too slow!" "No, No turn right!" "Don't park here!" Nobody likes the "backseat driver" usually.

  E: So that's a kind of bad word. It refers to somebody is trying to say what should happen and they don't really have the power or the authority. You could even call someone in an office a "backseat driver."

  R: That's right. Have you heard of a "designated driver"? That's the person who does not drink any alcohol. If you're all out together and you have a nice evening, Kara OK, dinner whatever, one person will talk to everyone and decide "I don't drink tonight because I'm the designated driver. And I drive safely home."

  E: Right. That's because they're nervous about drunk driving. Drunk driving is a real problem. It's when someone is drunk and they're driving their car. My cousin was killed in a drunk driving accident. So everyone is quite worried about this.

  R: There're other meanings for an expression using the word "drive." Here are some. See if you recognize them. You might think of your hard drive on your computer.

  E: Or how about "driving me crazy" or "driving me nuts"? That means somebody is doing something that makes you really upset. You can say "Oh, that child is driving me crazy."

  R: Yeah. Well you could also say "He's driving me crazy." or "He's driving me up a wall."

  E: So we hope you enjoy these driving idioms. To drive is not always to drive a car. Maybe you can use them this week in your job or at school.

  R: Here is another good expression, "drive safely."



  E:drive既是名词又是动词。我们知道drive是开车的意思,同样你还可以说go for a drive(驱车出去玩一玩)。

  R:这里的drive是名词,drive还是汽车道或马路的意思。有不少著名的大道叫drive,比如Lake Shore Drive很著名,还有Memorial Drive。要驾驶汽车就要通过驾驶考试,怎样学习才能通过考试呢?我的孩子特别渴望在家里学习驾驶。首先你要接受驾驶培训。




  R:但是,我们在德国居住时,那里年满十八岁的年青人要自付很昂贵的学费, 并且要参加为期约一年的驾驶培训。我认为他们的课程很好,因为他们甚至要学习如何在夜间驾驶,而且还要学习一些修理汽车的技术。这给我留下很深的印象。你了解的驾驶知识越多越有益处。

  E:我们今天要讲一些词汇,一些包含drive的词组或短语,而不仅仅是drive a car(开车)。

  R:这里有一些drive words,你去过drive-in 吗?我一般会想到drive-in movie,这是指一种免下车的电影院。你不必下车就可以观看电影。






  R:还有个说法是backseat driver。你听过这个说法吗?

  E:我的车里常有backseat driver。这是指坐在司机后面的那个人,他时不时会大惊小怪地说:“当心,有车开过来了!”,“你开得太快了!”

  R:“你开得太慢了!”“不对,向右转!别停在这儿!”人们通常都不喜欢backseat driver。

  E:这是一种不太好的说法。这是指有些人爱指手划脚,但实际上他并没有这种权利或威望。你可以把办公室里的这类人称做backseat driver。

  R:你听说过designated driver吗?这是指某人在大家聚会时滴酒不沾。比如当大家欢聚在一起唱卡拉Ok,享用美味的晚餐,有一个人会对大家说:“我今天不能喝酒,我注定要开车,我要保证把大家安全送回家。”


  R:含有drive的说法还有一些,你是否能辨别出来这些呢?你可能会想到电脑有hard drive(硬盘驱动器)。

  E:drive me crazy和drive me nuts又是什么意思呢?它的意思是有人做了让你很烦的事,你可以说:“那个孩子快把我搞疯了。”

  R:与drive me crazy相同的说法还有He's driving me up a wall。


  R:现在再说一个短语,drive safely(小心驾驶)。
