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Liu Changying:Doha Gears up for WTO Ministerial Meeting 
FRI, NOV 09, 2001
The World Trade Organization's Ministerial Meeting opens today in the Qatari capital of Doha. It will be the first time that such a WTO meeting is held in an Arab country. The local authorities have reserved all the hotel rooms, apartments and villas in the small city for the meetings. Room prices have gone up considerably.

The meeting will be mainly held in the Sheraton Hotel in Doha. On Saturday WTO ministers will decide if China will come on board.

Thousands of people are expected to attend the meeting, including 142 WTO members,39 observers as well as 74 global government organizations.The number of journalists is expected to reach 900.

Some 600 non-government organizations are eligible to come to Doha. The organizers said that demonstrations would be allowed so far there is nothing damaged.

Security checks will be further tightened up and there will also be traffic control during the meetings. The local authorities have strengthened the police force with the military to ensure security, but so far Doha is a quiet and safe city.

Some people say that choosing Doha as the venue for the ministerial negotiation reflects WTO's increasing attention on the developing world. The meeting is also called a "development round" as development issue will be at the center of the upcoming talks.

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