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Experts Warn of Short-term Impact of WTO on Job Market 
WED, NOV 14, 2001
Experts are warning of the short-term effects China's accession to the WTO will have on the job market. But in the long run, it should provide a lot of opportunities.

Experts believe that the WTO impact on China's job market cannot be ignored, forecasting a 20 to 30 percent increase in the number of unemployed. The agricultural, metallurgical, automobile and food processing industries will be affected first, and the in-flow of overseas investment and imports of goods and services are expected to result in job losses.

Traditional industries and agriculture will also be affected in Western and Central China, cutting the number of available jobs.

Three million workers will come back onto the job market and rural laborers will have to be transferred to different work sectors.

But experts believe that in 10 years' time, with the growth of trade and readjustments in industrial structure, the job market will improve. More openings are expected in labor-intensive sectors such as textiles, clothing, food, leather, and architecture. Employment in service, information, and tourism industries should go up.

Higher skilled workers are needed for the new sectors - particularly young, computer literate English speakers. Job seekers will have to learn how to face the fiercer competition.

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