
Tourism Policy and Paper work 08-30-2005 14:32

What documents should I hold for traveling in Tibet?
There are two documents required for foreign tourists who want to travel in Tibet. One is the Chinese Visa, which you can apply for in Chinese Embassy in your place. Another is the Alien' s Travel Permit issued by Tibet Tourism Bureau.

How to get the Alien's Travel Permit?

1) Your local travel agency can be your representative to apply for the Permit. But do contact them in advance and give them enough time for paper work. Tibet Permit can be issued two weeks prior to your entry Tibet.
2) You can get it right from the following offices of Tibet Tourism Bureau Shanghai Office, too. To apply for the Permit, you should provide the copies of your visa, passport and Foreign Residence Permit (if any) by fax or email.

Tibet Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau

Office in Beijing
Add: No. 149 Western Gu Lou Street, Beijing
Tel: (010)---64105822

Office in Shanghai
Address: 6/F, LaoJieFu Building, No.233 Nanjing Road(E.), Shanghai 200002, China.
Working Time:
Mon. ~ Fri. 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat. & Sun. 10:00AM - 4:00PM (Please make appointment in advance)
Tel: 86-21-33130524 86-21-63211729
Fax: 86-21-63231016

Office in Chengdu
Add: No. 10 Northern Renmin Road, chengdu
Tel: (028)---3333988
Office in Hong Kong
Add: Building 37, New Time Center No. 393 Xie Fie Dao, Hong Kong

Office in Nepal
Add: Box 01147 Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 00977---01119787

Do I need to bring with me photos of mine for the Tibet Permit?

If so, in which size? A: Your photos are not necessary when applying to the Tibet Permit since your personal information is enough to get the Tibet Permit.

What Statue of person called " foreign tourist"?

"Foreign tourist" here refers to the person who doesn't hold Chinese ID card. Although Hongkong, Taiwan and Macao are the inseparable parts of China, the citizens there are still required to get the Permit.

Is independent tour allowed in Tibet?

Independent tour is prohibited in Tibet. You should take part in an organized group or have the local travel operator to arrange for you.

Do you know whether we can fly freely to Lhasa without Tibet Permit?

A: The Tibet Permit must be obtained beforehand so that you can be allowed to enter Lhasa. And foreign tourists must stay in a tour group.

Editor:Wang Ping  Source:

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