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Shanghai carnival a financial success
   CCTV.COM   2003-07-29 09:07:35   
    The Shanghai carnival ended its month-long summer run on Sunday evening., It reportedly brought in record high revenues of more than 100 million yuan, much to the surprise of Chinese and foreign investors.

    This summer, Shanghai has experienced record high temperatures. But that didn't seem to put off Shanghai residents, bent on having a good time. Organizers say an estimated 1.3 million visitors attended carnival events and that revenues clocked up between June 27 and July 27 hit the 100 million yuan mark. The success comes amid recent difficulties in the domestic entertainment market.

    Industry insiders believe that, at present, only 10 percent of domestic entertainment companies are making profits, providing much food for thought. In this regard, the success of the Shanghai carnival is a miracle. Organizers say the "autumn version" will kick off at the end of August.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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