







  二套周日19:00首播 一套周五14:00 十套12:00、19:00重播

Plagiarism I  
  E: Hi. Welcome to Let's talk. Today we are going to be talking about a very interesting subject and it's the tension that you have between copying and creating and when do you call something, well we have a long word for you, plagiarized. We'll get to that in the minute.

  R: Plagiarism. We have found when we talked to our friends in China that attitude about what is your personal creation, and what is new and also what is old? And perhaps famous or traditional. These attitude in the west and in the east are very different . So we don't want anyone to feel like it's wrong or right. This is not the case. But we did think we want to know in the west it is different. People look at it differently and think about it differently.

  E: I think you probably have talked this about before, discussed this before. Creativity is seem to be a very very important aspect and everything should be your own work.

  R: Yeah. It is very important. I know when I was studying painting also in Paris France. We would go to the Louvre famous museum my art class and we would look at all the famous artist's work and studied them and discussed them. Every now and then very rarely you would see the student copying from the master. But it was discouraged not encouraged to sit and copy exactly from the master. You were encouraged to understand the master's work and see it and even absorb it.

  E: Copying the master you can learn lots of great technique but it seems to me like the western emphasize on creating your own. It is also important. This is a time when it's good to have the blame, isn't it? You copy the master's and but you should also be able to create your own. Even if it's not as good as the master's.

  R: It's true. But I don't want you to think no one ever does copy in the west. Because obviously it's a way to learn. My daughter had to write an essay in the style of Haminway. Hemingway is a famous writer who had a very special style. And you can read it and admire it. But it's very difficult to write as if you were Hemingway. You should try it. But that is just one exercise. But then the teacher said no more. Now you write in your own style. This is so important in the west because if the teacher caught you copying Hemingway's work or using his same sentences. You would be in big trouble with the teacher. She will not admire that.

  E: You will be in big trouble. Not just 批评,maybe they would calling your parents, they might send you home. Not let you come to school for a week.

  R: Look as if we go back to that word Plagiarism. That is memorizing or copying from the book and using exactly Hemingway's words. Or exactly if I'm writing, if I use exactly Elyn's words. You can not use not even one sentence of someone else's work in most western tests.

  E: Not even one sentence. So if you've memorized one sentence, let's say you memorized the paragraph and you have one sentence that is exactly the same, you would be given a zero on your test, if the teacher finds out. You will be given a zero, you'll have no credit for the test.

  R: It is very strict and it is also the same at work. If you are writing report in your job and you copy something exactly without saying who said it and you mean it to be your own work. You can lose your job.

  E: You'll be fired.

  R: Right. Probably that day. It is very serious in the west. So we think you should know that's how people look at plagiarism, it's against the law and against company policy and against school.

  E: But it is Okay if you say I pick this articles, you know you have to write a report here is an article from this book and here is an article from the internet and here is an article from something and you say I picked the best paragraphs and I give them to you as my report. That's Okay. But that is something, that is another word. Plagiarism means copying exactly from somewhere else. So another word you can know is to cite c-i-t-e, to cite something , you cite your source , that means you say I copy this from somewhere. I copy something from such and such book, such and such page, page five this book and then it is okay.

  R: Or you could use quote, a quotation from a book or article. This is such a hot topic right now. Because even little children are learning what you take from the internet is not your own writing, you must be careful to cite it or quote it and say who wrote it. But Elyn what can we leave our students thinking. What can you do then, if you are going to a foreign school to do your MBA or you are taking a foreign test, your TOEFL test.

  E: You can get your ideas.

  R: What can you do? What can you do?

  E: Don't worry. You'll read from the original sources, you memorize what you want to memorize, the ideas and the facts, and then what do you do? Then you shut your books. You put them away. And write you own words. And that's the only way to get things done in the west.

  R: Use you own smart brain.

  E: 大家好 欢迎收看“你说我说”,今天我们谈的话题很有意思,我们要谈谈抄袭和创造之间的关系,还有一个相关的动词,plagiarize 剽窃 抄袭。

  R: 名词是 plagiarism 剽窃 抄袭,我们在与中国朋友谈到个人创造,以及如何看待新旧事物,如何看待著名作品及传统作品时,发现东西方人在这方面的观点不太一样,我们不想让人觉得任何人的观点是错的,但我希望你们了解在这方面西方人的观点有所不同。

  E: 你们以前可能也讨论过类似问题,在西方,创造力被认为是非常重要的,你的所有的作品都应当是你自己创作的。

  R: 这点很重要,我在法国巴黎学习绘画时,曾和同学到著名的卢浮宫参观,我们参观并研究那些大师的作品,我们很少看到有学生临摹那些作品,我们不鼓励学生完全临摹大师的作品,我们鼓励学生理解那些作品,并从中汲取营养。

  E: 临摹大师的作品可以学到很多技巧,但我觉得西方人更强调创作自己的作品,这时即使被批评也不要紧,你可以临摹 但更要的是自己创作,哪怕你的作品不如那些名作好。

  R: 是这样的,但你们也不要觉得西方人不作模仿,模仿也是一种学习方法,有一次我的女儿就被要求用海明威的风格写一篇文章,海明威是位写作风格独特的作家,你可以阅读并欣赏他的作品,但很难用他的风格写作,你可以试一试,但这只是一次练习,之后老师就会说不要再试了,现在用你们自己的风格去写。在西方,这很重要。如果老师发现你抄袭海明威的作品,或照般他书中的句子,你会有很大的麻烦,她不会欣赏你这样做。

  E: 你会有大麻烦,不止是被批评,也许他们会叫来你的父母,也许会把你送回家,一个星期不准上课。

  R: 这就是plagiarism 剽窃,也就是完全从书中抄袭,像海明威这样的名人的语句,或者我完全抄袭Elyn的话。在西方的考试中,抄袭一句话都不行。

  E: 对,一句都不行。如果你记住了一个句子或一段文章,并把它们照搬到考卷上,如果老师发现,你将得零分。

  R: 这是很严格的,在工作中也一样,如果你在报告里抄袭了一段话,并把它当做你自己的创作,你可能会丢掉工作。

  E: 你会被辞退。

  R: 对,很可能当天就会被辞退。这在西方是很严肃的事,这就是西方人对剽窃的看法,它是违反法律,违反公司政策,也是违反校规的。

  E: 但如果你在写文章时,明确指出某篇文章是来自某本书,某篇文章是来自互联网,或别的来源,然后用它们组成一篇报告,这是允许的,这是另一种情况。剽窃是指完全照搬别人的作品,这里的做法叫做cite(引用),也就是你说明这些内容是哪里来的。比如,说明我从某本书的第几页,引用了这些内容。 这是可以的。

  R: 你还可以引用别人的话,这是很热门的话题,因为即使小孩子也应知道。从互联网上下载的不是你自己的作品,在引用时一定要写清作者是谁,Elyn我们该给我们的学生朋友们什么建议呢?如果他们到外国学校上学或攻读MBA,或参加类似TOEFL的考试。

  E: 你可以从中得出你自己的想法。

  R: 他们该注意些什么呢?

  E: 你们应该阅读原文资料,记住自己想要的内容,一些概念和事实,然后该怎么做呢?然后你该合上书,把它放到一边,然后写下自己的话,在西方这是唯一正确的方法。

  R: 好好运用你聪明的头脑。
