







  二套周日19:00首播 一套周五14:00 十套12:00、19:00重播

Cultural Impact on Human Being  
  E: Hi. Welcome to 'Let's Talk'. Today we're going to talk a little more about what we talked about last time, which is culture and how culture gives a set of rules and also gives you a set of glasses. How you see the world, what you should do in the world.

  R: That's right our culture teaches us how to behave and how to look at life, what to think about other people and how they behave.

  E: So we thought we start out with a game. Now if I said to you please connect these nine dots with four straight lines could you do it.

  R: So Elyn is my 老师 and I told her 'Oh, I don't know this.' So I'll just start with the dot, keep going and just try to hit all the dots and I only have four lines.

  E: Oops!

  R: Oops! I missed that one.

  E: Try again.

  R: Then I'll try. I'll start here again. Oh, dear I guess I go here and I go one two three four, oh I missed those. I only have four lines. It's very difficult. I didn't hit all the dots.

  E: No here is how you can do it. You go down here and here.

  R: So what is different. These lines are much longer and are out side of the nine dots.

  E: Right. And why did we do these? You're think 'Oh, Rebecca and Elyn have gone crazy.' No. The reason why we did this is to help you think about your framework. Do you know what a framework is? A frame of a picture is the out side of the picture, and it sets you inside of a box. This is like a box, those nine dots, and that what our culture is like.

  R: So those nine dots could be the way that I see the world. I start at one dot but I only see those dots.

  E: But sometimes if you're with some foreign friends they have a different framework. They have a different 'nine dots'. And in order to connect you have to go outside of the dots to understand them.

  R: So that's right. So to hit all of those you make big long connecting lines.

  E: Right.

  R: And they were connected. It's a good illustration. It's a silly game. But it's a good idea, because in order to understand someone else's framework you need to know your own first. Who would you say teaches you your cultural rules?

  E: Well I suppose it was grandma, wasn't it? Mum, dad, grandma, our framework is set up by those people around us in our family. And in America first they teach children to say thank you and in China first they teach children to say '阿姨' and '叔叔' and '奶奶'. And so the culture and the framework begin(s) at very early age. And they continue(s).

  Every culture is different, you know, if you had to go to a dinner party and you had show up at seven, when would you arrive? They said 'We are having a dinner party. It's at seven.' When would you get there?

  R: Well I am...My children make funny of me I am notoriously late. Notorious is meaning famous for being late. But I'll try to be there at seven but I'll think as an American from the south that probably ten after seven is still ok. I'm close to seven I'm not early and not too late.

  E: Right. Cause if you were too early they might still be fixing dinner.

  R: Right.

  E: And in American culture if someone is fixing dinner you don't want to be there for that. You want to be there after seven so that maybe they've already fixed it. But I know you told me (that) in Germany it's very different, right?

  R: Oh, yes it was actually very good for a person who is always late to life in Germany because my German neighbors and friends really told me 'You should be on time.' If they say seven they mean exactly seven, not after and not before. And it was very good for me to learn that. I had to really think hard about it. But you know every culture is not that punctual either.

  E: No. I have some friends from South Africa and they were telling me that if you had a big meal perhaps everyday they'd show up around 'Oh, anytime within the morning.' If it was a morning event anytime in the morning is fine. Or an afternoon event anytime in the afternoon is fine. So every culture is different.

  R: It's true. We know the Argentineans set a time and if it's runs very late, you know, half an hour or an hour late, they assume that you're happy. You had extra time to enjoy. You're not upset waiting. And it would true for them too. So time is different there. These are all differences in our cultures.

  E: So we know that you like to think about these things perhaps you don't have chance to meet a lot of foreigners. But when you do you know that perhaps the way they do things is different from yours and not to be offended, just to try and understand what is like in their country. Maybe you can ask them 'What it's like in your country?'











  E:没错。我们为什么要做这个游戏呢?你们可能会想:Rebecca 和Elyn发疯了吧?不,我们做这个游戏是想帮你们思考一下自己的思维框架。你们知道 framework(框架)吗?一张画的边框叫做frame,framework把你限定在一个盒子中。那九个点就像一个盒子,我们的文化也是这样的。那九个点就像我们看世界的方法,我从一个点出发,但我局限在这些点里。但有时如果你和一些外国朋友在一起,他们有不同的思维框架,有不同的‘九个点’。为了使彼此能够联系,你应该走出这九个点的范围并理解他们。








  R:我的孩子们开玩笑说,我迟到都出名了。notorious 意思是声名狼籍的。但我会尽量在七点钟到达。但作为一个来自美国南部的人,我们觉得晚十分钟也是可以的。我会尽量在七点到,不早也不太晚。







