Year of Horse  

    People born in the year of the Horse are very popular for their cheerful disposition and are generally well liked and admired. They are skilled with money matters and good with their hands. Often Horses are wise and intelligent, harbouring talents in many fields and being extremely hard working. Horses, however, are also known to play as hard as they work!

    Horses are born under signs of elegance, but under normal circumstances, they will come across as being very easy going. Get them worked up about something though, and they are very hard to bring down again. Horses can be incredibly short-tempered at times, which may be partly due to their rebellious nature.

    Horses enjoy crowds.They are renowned for their talkativeness, sharp wit and taking pleasure in the company of others.They generally have good dress sense, and will often be found in theatres, concerts and parties. They have boundless energy and ambition. Horses see themselves as being inferior to their peers. This often results in the Horse constantly changing his company for fear of being exposed as a fraud!

    Independent and individual, horses also tend to be a little impatient about everything and frequently come across as being selfish. Some might see them egotists even, but although the horse will only really concern himself with his own problems, the outcome is invariably of benefit to everybody. Horses are also famous for suddenly losing interest in projects and areas of work as well as social circles.

    It is thought that those who fall into the year of the Horse will leave home early in life, being born to race or travel. Their yearning for independence and freedom means they need plenty of room to roam.

    Someone born under the sign of the Horse will be a stable and loving partner in love. Although they fall in love easily and may have several relationships before they find the right person, they will give up everything for love! Horses are seducers, often coming across strong at the beginning of a relationship. Unfortunately, they are burdened with many contradictions of character that lead them to crave love and intimacy whilst at the same time feel corned and pressured.

    In work, horses make good scientists because of their honest and factual nature. A Horse never shies away from giving a direct opinion and is always a good source of reliable information. Their passionate roots lead them to success in fields of poetry too.

    A Horse born under the element sign of Fire are said to be blessed with great fortune or cursed with great misfortune, possibly even both.

    Horses are most compatible with Tigers and Dogs, but are hostile towards Rats. Goats and Pigs are also made worthy partners but it is with Dragons and Snakes that their passions can be aroused. Rabbits are good friends to a horse but monkeys are best avoided.

    Famous people born in the Year of The Horse include Ian Cuthbertson, Robert Wagner, Rolf Harris, Helmit Kohl, Clint Eastwood, Barbara Streisand, John Thaw, and Aretha Franklin!