
Giving blind children skills for life 08-30-2005 16:58

In the Tibet Autonomous Region, and in the capital Lhasa, there's a very special training school for children who are blind or visually impaired. It was established in 1998 by a blind German woman, Sabriya Tenberken, ... after embarking on a humanitarian-aid trip to Tibet. Since then, the lives of the children who have spent time at the school have forever changed.

Walking into the school courtyard, visitors are warmly welcomed by the students who offer songs and handshakes. The laughter and happiness on their faces make visitors forget their plight.

There's about 75 children and they introduce themselves... while saying they're being taught subjects like Math, English, Literature and Music. But they're also picking up specific skills, such as handicraft and hairdressing, which could help them make a living when they grow up.

Sabriye said she's proud that the children are able to study as well as kids who have their sight. But more importantly, she says, they're gaining a positive attitude toward the misfortune of life.

Although the cost of opening the school was largely covered by Tenberkrn herself and local government departments, operational expenses are being met, at least in part, by donations.

Editor:Liu Fengming

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