
China cuts more taxes for farmers 03-11-2004 13:13

For hundreds of years, Chinese farmers have had to shoulder heavy taxes. So to improve their quality of life in the new century, the Chinese government has taken proactive action -- launching a national tax cut aimed at helping farmers.

One place touched by the tax cut is a remote village in Huaibao County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Before the reform, incomes in Panrong Village were low, yet taxes remained high.

A Panrong villager of Guangxi, named Wei Peiling, said, "Before the reform, I paid more than 350 yuan in tax. But now I only have to pay 96 yuan. The reform is really a good policy that the cntral government made to help us live a better life."

Wei said he bought the two piglets with the money that used to go to taxes, which helped him to earn 1,000 yuan. He also said the tax cut encouraged him to expand his farming operations.

Farmers aren't the only ones welcoming the reform. Government officials said since the reform started, most farmers have been happy to pay their taxes. Persuasion is not necessary anymore, and relations between farmers and the government have improved considerably. But local officials also acknowledge the reduction of revenue has created financial problems for the government.

The leading official of Huaibao County, Zheng Zegao, said, 鈥淲e have strictly implemented the reform. In the past year, the farmers' taxes have been cut by more than 50 percent. But our local government's revenue was reduced to 350,000 yuan. Now sometimes we don't have enough money to work."

Zheng said education is one of the things he cares about the most. But the lack of money doesn't let him do much. He also said administration of the county's 12 villages have had many troubles due to lack of money.

However, both villagers and the local government welcome the reform because it helps farmers. And they hope in the future an improved reform can be worked out, one that will meet the needs of the farmers and the local government.


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