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>> 英语乐园


央视国际 2003年06月12日 16:09







  第一个小故事:At the Zoo


  今天我们要讲的故事的名字就是:At The Zoo在动物园里。长颈鹿giraffe,它怎么了?管理员正在为它包扎脖子。一定很疼,sore是疼的意思。还有人很难受,是谁呢?河马hippopotamus。he’s got a sore … stomach. 对了,它胃疼。你认识这个动物的。看它的名字就写在碗上。是老虎tiger,he has a sore …它哪儿疼啊?Yes! The tiger has a sore … leg.

  天啊!大象耳朵疼,a sore ear。看,管理员正在给它检查。千万别动哦!这可够危险的!Look at that mouth. Look at that sore tooth.

  今天真倒霉!好多动物都出了问题。看这只猴子,He has a sore …是leg吗?不,这才是。… foot?这是foot,猴子不是脚疼,… tail? 是的,tail是这样的。答对了。猴子尾巴疼。一个人照顾这么多动物,这一天可真够管理员受的!现在,he has a sore … head.动物园管理员头疼。希望他快好起来。

  Second Read:

  现在,你会读这个故事了吗?动物园里的故事,At the Zoo先从长颈鹿开始吧。The … giraffe had a sore … neck. The … hippopotamus had a sore … stomach. The … tiger had a sore … leg. The … elephant had a sore … ear. The crocodile had a sore tooth. The monkey had a sore tail. And the zookeeper had a sore head! That was great! You can read! You really can!



  Word Link:

  小朋友,看到这些指示牌了吗?上面都写的什么?逛完了动物园,我们该从哪儿出去呢?对了,就是这儿!牌子上写着:Ex—it …Exit! 我们就从这儿出去。The elephant is at the exit.看看这个句子里的小写字母e,这儿有一个,这儿有一个。The里面有一个,还有一个在exit的开头。Exit 是什么意思?就是出口。

  第二个小故事: Grandad’s Ride

  小朋友,看这个故事的名字,你猜到这个人是谁了吗?他的名字以大写字母G开头,不是Dad。Dad以字母D开头,不过这个单词里有dad,在这儿,这个单词是:爷爷Grandad!爷爷的骑术很厉害哦,我们的故事就讲他吧!爷爷的骑术Grandad’s Ride爷爷骑的是什么?看看故事中写的是什么?Grandad rode on a…horse. 看这儿。horse以字母h开头,He had a horse ride.孩子们最喜欢看爷爷骑……motorcycle 摩托车。哇!爷爷以前准没玩过这个。你看他摇摇摆摆的,这是——对了,滑板skateboard。啊,我想孩子们开始为爷爷担心了,可爷爷还是开心的坐上了,过山车roller coaster。这次爷爷又选择了什么?你能找到那个相应的单词吗?注意听!A helicopter.听,那又是什么?是热气球,balloon。现在,爷爷坐进了热气球里,孩子们可着了急,他们大声地朝爷爷喊:“Come back, Grandad!”回来爷爷!可是爷爷乘着热气球越飞越远了,不用担心,爷爷知道自己在做什么,他会回来的,He’ll land safely somewhere.

  Second Read:

  趁爷爷还在享受他的气球之旅,我们再来看一遍故事吧!还记得故事的题目是:Grandad’s ride. Granddad rode on a horse.下面的句子不是以Grandad开头,而是用……“He”对了,He在这里代表爷爷。He rode on a motorbike.这个句子本来应该是:Grandad rode on a motorbike. He rode on a skateboard. He rode in a roller coaster. 听,是什么?He rode in a helicopter.听,He rode in a balloon.别忘了大声地喊出来:“Come back, Grandad!” You did read that really well!



  内容介绍: Unit 1 Amy’s taller than Lingling.

  1. Hello, dear friends. Glad to see you again in New Standard English. How are you today? 开学以后啊,XXX惊喜地发现许多同学长高了不少。同学们是不是也注意到自己和身边小伙伴的变化了呢?Who is taller than you? And who is shorter than you? 哪些同学比你高?哪些同学比你矮呢?Smart老师也想了解一下自己班里同学的情况,她是怎么做的呢?

  2. Isn’t it a naughty bird? 这只淘气的小鸟总是跟Sam开玩笑,把Sam搞得哭笑不得。在教室里,Smart老师请同学们站起来,比一比身高。同学们,你们还记得测试结果吗?让我们再一起回顾一下吧。

  3. Samrt老师先请Amy和Lingling站起来:Stand up, please, Amy and Lingling. 结果是Amy比玲玲高: Amy is taller than Lingling. than, than 比。tall 后面加 er构成比较级, taller,taller。Amy is taller than lingling. Amy is taller than lingling. 反应快的Amy 解释说:I’m older than lingling.我比玲玲大呀。Old,年长的,old, old, 同样,old后面加 er , 构成比较级older, older。I’m older than Lingling. I’m older than Lingling. 那男孩子比身高的结果如何呢?

  4. 一站起来,就很容易看出Sam比 Daming 矮了。Sam is shorter than Daming. short 后面加 er, 构成比较级shorter, shorter,Sam is shorter than Daming. Sam is shorter than Daming. Sam可不服气了,指着挂历说, I’m younger than Daming. 我比Daming小啊。Young,年轻的,young, young, young后面加 er 构成比较级 younger, younger。I’m younger than Daming. I’m younger than Daming. 好胜的Sam 心想我人虽小可是力气不小,搬书的时候多搬点儿,给他们瞧瞧!好戏在后头呢!

  5. 看到Sam很吃力地搬着书的样子,Smart 老师不禁担心地问:Is Sam stronger than Lingling? Sam比Lingling强壮吗?strong, strong, 强壮的,strong 后加 er 构成比较级stronger,stronger, Is Sam stronger than Lingling? Is Sam stronger than Lingling? 关键时刻,淘气的小鸟又来捣乱了,这下Sam真坚持不住了,书全部掉到了地上。看来,Sam并不比Lingling强壮哦:Sam isn’t stronger than Lingling. Well, now let’s watch the cartoon again. 同学们,看动画片时请大声跟读哦。

  Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.

  1. 同学们,我们祖国的大河山川,名胜古迹真不少,那么你对这些地方有多少了解呢?还是让我们先来看一下动画片中的介绍吧。

  2. 同学们,在刚才的动画片中都出现了哪些地方?你们还记得吗?对了,有:长江,the Changjiang River, the Changjiang River, 黄河,the Yellow River, the Yellow River,有Mount Qomolangma,珠穆朗玛峰,Mount Qomolangma, Mount Qomolangma, Mount Tai,泰山,Mount Tai, Mount Tai, 还有the Great Wall, 长城,the Great Wall, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace,颐和园,the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace,以及Beijing and Tianjin. 那么,这些地方的特点你都记住了吗?让我们再看一遍动画片吧。

  3. 同学们,下面让我们一起来介绍一下这些地方吧。The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. The Great wall is older than the Summer Palace. The Great wall is older than the Summer Palace. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. Good! Now let’s watch the cartoon again and say after it.

  Unit 3 Molly’s hair is shorter.

  1. 下面呀,XXX要介绍两位新朋友给大家认识。They are two lovely girls, Polly and Molly. Look, here they come!

  2. Boys and girls, do you like Polly and Molly? 那么,她们的长相大家记住了吗?请大家再跟我一起回忆一下,并在脑海中勾勒出他们的样子。

  Polly’s hair is long and black

  Molly’s hair is shorter.

  Molly’s legs are short and fat.

  Polly’s legs are longer.

  Polly’s feet are rather large.

  Molly’s feet are smaller。

  Molly’s one metre tall.

  Polly’s much taller.

  Polly 和Molly虽有那么多不同点,却都长着一双同样大的蓝眼睛!But their big, blue eyes are the very same size.

  多有意思啊! 同学们,其实生活中的对比比比皆是。热爱生活,善于观察,勤于记录。你会发现生活是那么的有意思!Well, so much for today. 同学们,让我们大声朗诵这首韵律诗,结束今天的学习吧。See you next time!



  节目内容:《神奇儿童英语》第二十一集 《新标准英语4B》第三集


  节目名称:《日语新视听》第十集 <动物医院>和<蟹壳的妙用>

  主 持 人:李丽桃(首都师范大学日语系 教师)

  嘉 宾:许斐 京子












  1.Look to your right(left).你(们)往右(左)边看。

  2.You can find all kinds of clothes there.可以在那儿找到各式各样的衣服。

  3.Let me find a place to park.让我找个地方停车。

  4.Mind your pockets.小心您的口袋。

  5.What do you think of it?你觉得它(那地方)怎么样?

  6.Lots of good, cheap clothes there.哪儿有许多物美价廉的衣服。

  7.You can come back some other time.你(们)可以改日再来。

  8.We'll certainly do that.我们肯定会这么做的。


  Bitter pills may have good effects 良药苦口






  1.This is the Friendship Store.这是友谊商店。

  2.It's a special shopping center for foreign tourists.那是专供外国游客购物的


  3.Are we nearing Tian'anmen Square?咱们快到天安门广场了吧?

  4.I hear there's a big book store near it?我听说那附近有个大书店?

  5.You mean the Xidan Book Center?你是说西单图书大厦吧?

  6.Do they sell books in English?他们卖英文书么?

  7.I want to buy a China guide book in English.我想买本英文的中国导游手册。

  8.Here's fifty yuan. Keep the change.这是50元。不用找了。

  9.Have a nice day!祝您一天愉快!


  coach 教练

  the top players of a team 主力队员

  cheering squad 啦啦队






  Zoe:Hi, everyone, welcome to Goal. This is unit 2 part 3


  Z:Yes, it`s really a disaster for him,after a long trip、jet-lag、and

  He had to get up at 7 am,he is really exhausted。So he feel very nervous about the training。


  Cui: 这一段里马尼和皮特算是正式和队友们认识了,JOE很照顾他们,主动给他们让出挂衣服的挂钩。挂钩英语里叫Peg。

  Z:He says:You can have those tow pegs there。Just at this moment,Alex come in and he says:Just in case you haven't all been introduced.

  崔:in case 的意思是万一。教练Alex 向大家介绍Manni 和 Peter 时用比较客气的语气,意思是大家可能都已经听说了,也已经认识了,那么万一有谁不知道我再在这里重复向大家介绍一次。

  Zoe:Just in case I haven't been introduced to you all. 崔, would you please introduce me to your friends?

  崔:With pleasure. This is Zoe from England. We have just been introduced. 我们刚才相互认识了。

  Zoe:Do you notice that Alex says, "they're joining the club on a month's trial." He didn't say "they have joined the club."

  崔:Of course he can't say like that. They're joining the club, 这里用正在进行时,有两层意思,1是表示正在努力争取加入,2是表示计划中的事,打算加入。

  Zoe:They're joining the club on a month's trial. It means they are making an effort to join; they are trying the best to join.

  崔: 他们将接受一个月的试训。正在努力争取加入我们的俱乐部。如果这个月踢得好,就可以正式加入,踢不好就得回家。

  Zoe:Yes,That is football,I wish them good luck!Just as Alex said I hope they'll become professionals with London Rangers.

  崔: 教练希望他们成为伦敦流浪者足球俱乐部的职业球员。这里用with 这个介词是很地道的。例如,我在国安踢球。We say: I am with Guo An,很简单,也很地道。 Zoe, 我在曼联踢球怎么说?

  Zoe: I am with the Manchester United Football Club.

  崔:Ok,shall we review this part again?

  Zoe: Sure。And it is doesn`t matter if you can not catch every words of it。

  崔: 在今天的片子里有不少命令用语,语法上称作祈使句。比如刚才看的这段里

  Andy说:On the pitch boys.小伙子们,上场。


  Zoe: Let`s see how did Manni do on the pitch。


  Zoe:Right. Alex ordered, "Let's do some passing."

  Do some passing, 传球,带球。

  Then he said, "Working in pairs!" 两人一组。

  Zoe:Then Andy said, "Alright lads, get in twos."


  zoe:Do some passing, working in pairs, get in twos. 这些都是祈使句,省略了主语,有命令的口吻

  Zoe :Sharpish!

  崔:老队员Andy 在场外喊叫:凶一点,厉害点!sharpish! 这个词从sharp



  他问Joe ,Sophie在干嘛。

  Zoe: Sophie is assessing your level of fitness.

  崔 :她在评估你的体能。Assess 是评估,比如对收入、产值的评估,这里是Assess your level of fitness. 评估你的健康水平,体能状况。

  Zoe :Mannie doesn`t quite believe her ,so he asked Joe: Is she good?

  崔 :她能干吗?她行吗?能胜任吗?是一种疑惑的口气。Joe 解释道.

  Zoe :She's got a qualification in sports science and an Olympic medal!

  (read slowly)


  Z:Qualification is the necessary ability, experience or knowledge。So Sophie is quite qualified,right?

  崔 :Yes,有了一定的资力,工作才能胜任。许多同学去当家教,家长会问你,你能胜任吗?

  Zoe :Have you got a qualification?

  崔 :你有资格吗?你会符合条件吗?Sophie是华裔,在美国学习运动科学,现在是英国流浪者队的助理教练,但她好像还不是正式的,我们看到后面就知道了。

  Zoe :Actually she is very important to a football team. For footballer to have good skills is not enough.

  崔 :True. But how does Joe know so much?

  Zoe:Well, they went to college together in America.

  崔 :他们在美国是老同学。When Joe and Manni were talking , Alex is shouting again. What is he saying?

  Zoe :Come on lads, a bit more effort!

  崔 :小伙子们,加油啊! A bit more effort! 再使点劲儿的意思。Come on加油!是鼓励,打气的意思。如果换一种语气读就是别的意思了,比如

  Zoe :When you`re not happy,look very down,we can say,Oh,come on,

  Cheer up!嘿,高兴点吧。

  Come on! You can do better than that。嘿!你能做得更好。

  Come on! We will be late!快点,我们要迟到了。

  When I want to beg you to do me a favor,I can say, Oh,come on,

  Help me !噢,帮帮我吧!

  Ok,let`s watch this part again。A bit more effort,please!

  Cui: Manni和Peter第一次参加LR队的训练,有点不适应,马尼说,我累坏了,I`m exhausted.

  Zoe: Hei,Mr Cui,do you remember it`s mannie`s birthday today?

  Cui: Sure,maybe,Manni has forgot it himself。Let`s see what Emma is doing for

  Manni`s birthday。

  崔 :这是一段叔叔和侄女之间温馨的小对话。叔叔Charlie看着Emma如此热心地为Manni 操办生日,有意跟她

  开开玩笑。他说“So what's all this then?” 你这是搞什么玩艺儿呢?

  Zoe :And Charlie thought that Emma was going to a lot of trouble to do so。

  崔:Going to a lot of trouble 费很多事,不嫌麻烦

  Zoe :You're going to a lot of trouble for this new footballer, aren't you?

  崔 :为这个新来的球员你可真不嫌麻烦啊。

  Zoe :But Emma thought somebody ought to do something to help Manni celebrate his birthday.

  崔 :我想总得有人为庆祝马尼的生日做点什么。查理叔叔看见蛋糕,忍不住尝了一口,埃玛急了,她叫到

  Zoe :Keep your fingers off the cake !

  崔 :别碰我的蛋糕!keep off 保持离开的状态,也就是别碰、远离

  os:The doctor has advised him to keep off the alcohol。


  We should keep off the narcotic drugs。我们要远离毒品。

  Zoe :Charlie says jokingly," I only hope you look after me as well when my birthday comes around!"

  崔 :查理开玩笑的说我只希望等我过生日的时候,你也能这么照顾我。

  Zoe :Emma says," yes, but you're not exactly eighteen are you"


  Zoe :Yes,Manni is 18 years now。He is an adult。He is just starting his life In London。Now,Let's watch the story once again.

  Cui: Emma 为了马尼的生日不辞辛劳地忙了半天,我们一起接着往下看,看看马尼第一天的训练结束后,教练Alex对他和Peter说了些什么?

  Zoe: Wow,after the training,I think that Manni can really feel that he is a new comer here。

  Cui :是的,虽然今天他们俩是跟主力队一起训练的,但是这只是教练想试试他们,经过这次训练,教练还是安排他们俩暂时跟青年队一起进行训练,青年队是俱乐部里弱者的队伍,新来,受伤的,要辞退的球员都在这个队里训练。

  Zoe:Yeah,It is out of Manni`s imagine。He is a star player at home。But Alex thought he was not used to their way of playing. He is not fit enough, or fast enough for their game yet.

  OS:Not fit enough, 体力还不够好. Not fast enough, 速度还不够快。

  for the time being这一段时间、暂时 By the way 顺便说一句

  Z:Alex want the new players help out with all the jobs. He ask them to clear up all the cones。

  崔:教练说新来的队员一般什么都得干。Help out with all the jobs. 帮着干所有的活。 Cone 圆锥形的标志物,用来帮助球员练习带球。

  Z:Clear up means :gather, collect。clear up all the cones。


  Zoe :Manni didn`t expect that he had to do this,so he complains: But that is ridiculous.


  ZOE:Are you deaf or something? Move it!

  崔:你聋了吗?快搬!Are you deaf or something? Move it!教练在足球训练时,说一不二,球员必须无条件的执行,而且教练有时说话很不中听。马尼在国内是个球星,哪受过这个气啊。我们再来看一遍。

  Z:Inside the changing room Paul asks his teammate Linger and Jim for a game of snooker. He says "after lunch we go to the snooker club. And I'll beat you all."

  Cui :保罗约队友Linger和Jim去司诺克俱乐部打英式台球,口出狂言“我会把你们全打败”。He says, "I'll beat you all." That 's so typical of him.

  Zoe :Manni and Peter enter the changing room. Manni feels down, because Alex asks him and Peter to play with the youth team.

  Cui :教练埃里克斯看了早上的训练后叫马尼和彼得参加青年队的训练。马尼感到有些泄气,误认为是自己球踢得不好。其实教练只是要他们更多的增加体力和耐力而已。

  Zoe :For the first day in the club, Manni wants to be formal. He wears his best Italian suit. This gives Paul an excuse to make fun of him.

  Cui :来自拉美的马尼在今天第一次正式到流浪者俱乐部来,非常重视。他穿了自己最好的那套意大利西服,这给了保罗一个拿他寻开心,做恶作剧的机会。

  Zoe :Paul says, "Very nice jacket. We wouldn't want it to get wet, would we? Isn't that a bit of dirt on it? I think it needs cleaning!"

  Cui :他抓过马尼新的西服,胡说上面脏了,得洗一洗,以激怒马尼。

  Zoe :Luckily at this moment, Alex enters the room. He tells Manni and Peter that Sophie is going to be looking closely at them over the next month, so they'll be working a lot with her。

  崔 :教练告诉两位外来的新球员苏菲将在今后的一个月内密切的注视他们,所以他们要跟着她做许多训练。

  look closely at 密切的注视 work a lot with her 一切按她的要求进行训练

  Zoe:Joe reminds them :Be careful lads,she looks okay but she`s really tough。Tough means strong,not easily cut、worn or broken。


  os:tough steak 咬不动的牛排

  as tough as leather 一般指食物像皮革一样粗砺,硬如皮革

  a tough job 一件不好干的工作

  崔:Joe 说Sophie is really tough,Joe是很了解Sophie的,看来Sophie确实不太好对付,Manni 和Peter也许要有麻烦了。我们接着往下看。

  Zoe: I didn't know Sophie has such big power. She even interferes? With the food, the snacks, the footballers eat.

  崔 :Zoe 说她以前不知道苏菲有这么大的权力,连球员吃饭,吃的点心她都管,此外,苏菲受过良好的教育,说话非常清楚,条理性强。

  Zoe :She says, here is a list of the food I want you to eat.

  崔 :A list of food I want you to eat 我要求你们吃的食物清单。苏菲把新来的球员应该吃的东西开了个清单。

  Zoe :Sophie continues to say:I'll be watching your running and weight training .

  崔 :我将监测你们跑步和体重控制训练。

  Zoe :but not until later once you have had chance to settle in.”

  崔 :To settle in 的意思是克服了时差,恢复了体力,习惯了这儿生活以后,意思是过几天再开始。

  Zoe:She has some other advices. She says, "Get as much rest as possible! No late nights"

  崔 :苏菲叫马尼尽量抓紧时间休息,不许晚睡。No late nights 指不许在酒吧,迪厅弄得很晚,以免影响她的计划执行。

  Zoe :My god, poor Manni, he 's just arrived! Sophie is really tough,right?

  Zoe:So much to understand! What a birthday of poor Manni's

  崔 :马尼一听这么多规矩,又有点找不着北了,还好,Emma给他送来了生日蛋糕和礼物,让他感觉好了一些。

  Zoe:But even on his birthday, Sophie doesn`t him to eat too much of his cake。

  崔 :看来,当个运动员真是不容易。Let's sum up some of the expressions.

  命令用语 On the pitch! 上场去!

  Working in pairs! 两人一组练习

  加油用语 Come on! 加油啊!

  A bit more effort! 再使点劲!

  安慰用语 You haven't done badly. 干得不坏。

  You've got nothing to worry about. 没什么可担忧的。

  劝告语 Be careful. 当心。

  抱怨用语 That is ridiculous. 太可笑了。太荒唐了。

  吹嘘用语 I'll beat you all. 我将把你们全都打败。

  Now let's look at the whole story.

  Zoe: In the next part you may wander

  how would they celebrate Manni`s birthday?

  Manni discovers that Emma is not just a hotel receptionist. What has he discovered about Emma?

  What do people say to Manni at his birthday party? Manni and Peter are exhausted by the long journey. They want to leave the party early to get some rest. Can they? Who stops them from doing so ?

  Cui:Let's find out the answer next time. See you then. 咱们下次再见。









  show respect for one another 相互尊重





  1.Is there any where I can rent a car?有什么地方可以租到车吗?

  2.The service is rather new in Beijing.这项服务在北京还比较新(时间还不长


  3.Where do I go for that?为这事我该到哪儿去呢?

  4.Let me tell you what you can do.我跟您说怎么办?

  5.Tell the driver to take you to the nearest rent-a-car station.叫司机把您送到最近的一家租车站去。

  6.I'm glad to hear that.我很高兴听到这件事。

  7.Does he like his job?他喜欢他的工作吗?

  8.He's a good cop.他是个好警察。


  table tennis player 乒乓球运动员

  Olympic Games 奥运会

  Women's singles 女子单打

  Women's doubles 女子双打
